We appreciate our partnered
companies, Woodland and
Mondextel for joining our Loan Projects,
which as a result gives out interest to
our CLB Loan participants,
weekly/monthly depending on
their applied projects.
Every time we announce the projects,
the fund is raised so fast that many
are not able to participate.
We are trying to get more projects on board.
Thank you very much for your interest and support.
CLB Management
CLB Loan Project 6
1. Project Total Amount : $20000 USD
2. Term : 4 months
3. Interest rate : Minimum 0.5 %/month
Please note that when you request for the amount
it should be rounded numbers.
EX) $5213 REJECT $5200 OK
You can input your requested amount in USD
and we will send you an email answering how many CLB you will have to send.