Your Linkedin profile does not exist. As u have stated, your real name is Pankaj Bhardwaj, r u anyway related to GBminers/GainBitcoin owner Amit Bhardwaj?
Details about Sumier shaikh and his transactions
Does Sumier Shaikh exist on BitcoinTalk? If yes, can u please provide us his ID? Do u have his photo or FaceBook profile or phone no.? Can u please provide us any of those?
After some hours he called me again and said mumbai angadiya guy was arrested.
This is a learning for everyone over here. U were supposed contact a lawyer immediately after this. In an financial transaction chain, if one point is involved in illegal thing then the whole chain become suspect and law-enforcement tend to go for the whole chain.
After midnight they called me and asked me to strip and give all the things I have. They slapped me as I was unable to tell them the name of my grandfathers home where I never went in my whole life.
That's terrible.
I was sent to mumbai (A city I've never been before) in the night and was told that they will be taking 3.5 Lac rupees from remaining funds and I need to stay quiet in front of seniors otherwise they will beat me and make my case tough for me.
So, law-enforcement literally extorted money from u?
Ps: My only crime was to sell bitcoins to a person without asking his source of money and I believe I've gotten my punishment by spending 13 months in Jail. I've suffered a lot and my family suffered more. I was never involved in a crime and will never be. I've spent a long time in bitcoin community and always tried to spread awareness about bitcoins in India.
I totally sympathize with u, but u probably misunderstood your mistake. Selling bitcoin for cash was most likely the spark for law-enforcement.