
Topic: replacing bitcoin's numeric nonce-hash with human language(arabic) blockchain (Read 96 times)

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A new cryptocurrency, based on poetry instead of numeric nonce


Blockchains use numeric hash functions to block together. That is what supposedly 'freeing' us from corrupt banks and federal reserve. However there is a great cost to this mechanism that we don't yet understand. Do you really believe ASIC chips are 'freeing' us from power structure and the CIA? Really? Well China makes more ASIC chips and they have even worse human rights condition than the federal reserve-CIA. China and Saudi Arabia both in UN human rights council and they both have lots of sands, to make microchips. Coincidence?

Federal reserve and central banking systems are corrupt pyramid scheme, I agree with satoshi nakamoto's libertarian statements. However we too are building a pyramid scheme. It is of course lot better than central banks but still has lots of problems. The biggest problem is, the dependence on ASIC chips that can hash fast. This implies you have to spend a lot of money and use a lot of sands to create new fine-tuned ASIC chips to hash at slightly faster rate than older chips. POW, and to certain extent POS, does not necessarily solve the ultimate problem of humanity.

The ultimate problem of humanity is the system based on greed, the system where winner takes all. In blockchain world, we are actually encouraging winner taking all. The longest chain wins and takes everything, by definition. This is going to make people even more desperate than people are right now. In theory, if I make ASIC chips just a bit faster than you, I can, eventually take most of the bitcoin in circulation as the longest chain always prevails. Currently we don't consider this to be an issue, but as technology stagnates in future this will become a grave problem for any proof of work consensus.

In 40 years (yes I can see the future) we will realize that bitcoin was a mistake, because we will be in a prison of numbers. We will be forced, economically and politically, to insert Elon's chip into our brain so we can hash numbers faster. We will not speak any language, other than what computers speak, Ones and Zeroes. Simple articulation will be incomprehensible for us, let alone nuanced poetry. We will be in a prison of our own making, mark my word. We will be enslaved by robots and cyborgs, as blockchain cannot differentiate between humans and robots.

However bitcoin is actually not the mistake, it's us. Blockchain is the final frontier. We need to spin innovation to the perfect distribution. Innovation is never the problem(not even nuclear energy), it's the distribution that really counts. To properly distribute an actual cryptocurrency, we need to innovate a crypto which replaces numeric hash function with human language. I have a plan, a plan to create a human language based crypto currency, specifically Arabic language.
Be warned I am not a linguist, I don't even speak Arabic. But I notice how things work.


Here is a short version how blockchain works. We take transactions from mempool and hash them together (technically we use merkle tree but I am skipping that info). Then we add previous block header. Then we insert a random nonce/salt in there. Then we hash these together to get result within a certain range. The random nonce helps the result hash output to be under certain value. Now, we are using numeric nonces, of course. This is computer science after all, we are using numeric nonce, usually 4Byte. This hash guessing is called mining.

What is a cryptographic hash? it's a deterministic random looking one way function. What you need to know now is this-> hash functions depends on subtle changes on input. You change only one bit in the input, the output changes dramatically.

This is roughly how it goes-> Merkle root(the transactions)+previous block header+ random nonce => hash it=> new block header. Then check this new block header if it's under a specific number, if not, then try again with different nonce.

Language based coin

Creating human language based cryptocoin sounds impossible, but it's actually easier than it sounds. Right now, we are writing random nonce in blockchain and hashing it with block data, we call it mining. But what if don't use a nonce which is numeric. What if we use human language in the nonce instead?
What if we write poetry inside the nonce then hash it together with block information?

I know what you are thinking. Poetry replacing numeric nonce? How is that even gonna work?

Firstly, even at this moment, without creating any new cryptocurrency, we can technically write 'poetry' instead of numeric nonce in the bitcoin blockchain, you know we have something called unicode. Unicode converts everything we can write into a number.

The issue is not writing poetry and converting it into numeric nonce, the issue is somewhere else. Remember, the random nonce has to be hashed together with all other block information. If the block header is not in a range we have to try it with another nonce. This is a very repetitive hashing/mining process. That's where human language is supposedly failing.

Can you really imagine writing a piece of poetry, then changing it dramatically just because the poetry doesn't hash under a certain value? This is not efficient, cannot possibly compete with numeric nonce and hashing algorithm.
This is where Arabic language comes in.

Why Arabic language?

There are hundred thousands of other human languages out there. However Arabic language has a few special features which most other languages don't have. I don't really know what this feature called, but let's call it 'single letter case' or 'single letter causative' or something. You can switch between assertive, possessive, accusative with very minimal change in a sentence, just change one vowel or two you are done.

Moreover, Arabic depends on word roots. It's a consonant based language you don't even write vowels. So by design, one word can mean various things, you just have to change one vowel to change meanings dramatically.

How that helps? Because cryptographic hash functions also depends on subtle changes on input. If you know how hash works, if you change only one bit in the input, the output changes dramatically. This means if you are writing a poetry in Arabic you can change the meaning of the sentence by subtly changing one vowel in a sentence, and consequently changing the hash of the sentence. This makes Arabic language feasible for a blockchain-hashable human language.

Also, you can kinda express complex things with short sentences in Arabic language. This supposed to work well in a blockchain, where you are writing poetry and hashing it under certain difficulty threshold, but when you are writing the poetry you are trying your best to keep it short. 2 or 3 words in a sentence maybe. I am not sure but this should go well with blockchain. What is this poetry should be about? I..... guess... something that's happening around you, something on the news or on the streets, maybe? I honestly can't imagine the subjects of these mini poetry/sentence, my imagination power has a limit.

Slightly off topic, Arabic is a very old language and older generation languages had an unique feature which newer generation of languages don't have. That's frequency. A language can resonate. If you only speak English you wouldn't know that, because new English is nothing like old English. Old English is kinda like French or Latin, it had some unique characteristic which you can't expect nowadays.


Now the main question is, how it helps destroy the longest chain problem? Chain can still be replaced by somebody who has greater hash capability, or in this case, better poetry. Well, it doesn't officially solve longest chain replacement issue. I believe, and this is more of a 'belief' than fact, because of Arabic language being 'weird' in a way, it solves this issue unofficially. Something good will come out of this poetical battle a.k.a. thesaurus warfare. Hashing under a certain difficulty threshold with short poetry, this should solve the dependency on ASIC chips and fear of longest chain-discard.
However poetical crypto currency will still be lot slower than a numeric nonce based bitcoin system, there is not really a way to fix that.

This also solves the oracle problem to certain extent. As we know Ethereum and other smart contract coins depends on real world human oracles. The problem is that oracles can lie about the state of the blockchains. However if you write poetry, it has less chance to be manipulated by oracles.
My plan is to combine many things together. Say, a ring signature, where is the idea of ring signature coming from? The fundamental idea of ring sig is coming from friend circle. You are supposed to have a friend circle, this anonymous friend circle a.k.a. ring signature scheme will provide anonymity to it's members. So everybody in the same ring agrees with same poetry at the same time, or something...
I really need to make a proper model out of this because when it comes to ring signature based on human language, things get rather convoluted.

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