realm: "Satoshi Land",
base: "BTC",
equivalencies: [{name:"platinum", value:100000000}, {name:"titanium", value:10000000}...],
then, how will i use the blocks? essentially, in the new fork that I create (think namecoin), i would put in let's say 9 BTC to create a full set of denominations (e.g. one coin for each level, so i'd only have 100 gold, for example, 10000000 copper, etc )...then i can use these as 'rewards and incentives' in a social network, and develop the new currency based upon being backed by 'satoshi'. for example, maybe when you +1 or 'like' something then the system could transfer 1--5 satoshi (or gold or even titanium) to that person, based upon selections...also, the system will periodically 'reward' people for certain actions or by chance to increase money-flow (not money creation). there would be no money creation, but simply money injection. for instance, if one person just needed to have 100 gold today, then they could put in 1 BTC and instantly convert that to 100 gold within the system. this would serve the basis for building up virtual world economies (everything is made of something). from this we can build meaningful reward systems, etc.
from this perspective, satoshi is like a super-string...the 'stuff' that makes everything up. so by depositing a bitcoin, i can literally convert magical satoshi to anything i want, be it base metals such as gold/silver, etc, to equivalences of wool or cotton.
in this way, it would be possible to base any currency upon any other currency, so long as they are ultimately backed by BTC. Also, at any time anyone could audit the main account to make sure that the money is locked in.
Ok, I see where your thinking is, but you appear to be making this much more complicated than is necessary.
Perhaps there is some info in here that will help:
- http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Smart_Property
- http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Contracts
- http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/2631
- https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/how-to-do-document-timestamping-with-the-block-chain-72022
- http://people.scs.carleton.ca/~clark/papers/2012_fc_pres.pdf (CommitCoin)
I presume you see the benefit of putting this message in the coinbase for a block is that you then have the message made accessible (e.g., via an API) and immutable. But really all you are trying to do is to timestamp a document that can be parsed, to make that document easy to locate (in the same block as the coins), and to exclusively associate that document with some generated bitcoins.
Is this correct?