
Topic: Request to theymos to dump IP addresses used by TradeFortress (Read 1312 times)

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Let me explain. I dont just mean in terms of covid, but we can start there. You know the statistic by now: America has 5% of the worlds population, but 20% of its covid deaths. What that means in practice, though, is that if youre American, your chances of getting sick and possibly even dying from an illness which has been handled much better in other parts of the world, is vastly higher. How much higher? Well, for example, New Zealand has conquered Covid not once, but twice. Across even Africa and Asia, Covid has been largely kept in check. Your chances of succumbing to Covid as an American are anywhere from 5 towell, technically, anywhere from 5 to infinity times higher than most of the rest of the world right now.
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Microservices are built on the principle of independent and autonomous services, scalability, high cohesion with loose coupling, and fault tolerance. This will introduce challenges including complex administration and configuration. A design pattern is about describing a reusable solution to a problem in a given specific context. We will discuss these patterns to address the challenges to provide proven solutions to make architecture more efficient.
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From what I understand the forum will disclose the IP addresses used by a user in certain situations.

Given that TradeFortress has been unresponsive for the most part since 11/21 and has discontinued reimbursements, and still has at least 1300BTC as I proved in this thread - - and that a class action lawsuit and police report have been filed, I am submitting a request for theymos to dump the IP's that TradeFortress has used.

This information would be useful as a number of IP's belonging to TradeFortress are in public domain, however many of these belong to a prepaid Optus 3G account with no information on file, however it has since been discovered that TradeFortress used a DSL Telstra connection in the past which may have information that can subpoena'd.

If theymos is unable or unwilling to dump the IP list, I ask if theymos can confirm whether or not TradeFortress had used an IP assigned to the ISP Telstra at one point, and if so if he is willing to post those IP's and the dates they were used.

I also ask if it is possible for theymos to check for alt accounts and if any are found to post those, paying particular attention to any possible alts registered before the TradeFortress account.
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