You seem like a legit guy, but domain names seem to be able to be social engineered back to the sender or it could be even stolen. Though the chances are low there it can't be ignored, especially if dealing with a big amounts like this.
Plus, domain names aren't very liquid. Appraisals are only appraisals.
If you can offer anything else than this domain name, then i can definitely fill this for ya.
I read most of the recent loan requests here and most people either offer their accounts and altcoins as collateral. My account obviously isn't worth a penny and if I had any altcoins I would have traded them for BTC already
(I still dont know why people offer alts if they can just trade them for whatever they need)
Unfortunately with the amount of fraud in these parts all lenders must be extremely cautious and I understand that.
Thanks for your time, though.
People use altcoin as collateral because they see that the price of these altcoins are going to go up significantly over the loan term. Therefore selling the altcoin would be unwise as they would be losing out on potential profits. By using it as collateral they are able to get more altcoin that they believe is going to go up, and it's worth the interest.
Anyways, unless you have any other collateral than a domain then i am not able to help you
There may be domain dealers able to do this loan for you, i'm not experienced with domain selling/buying at all and that's the main reason i'm not comfortable with filling this. Nothing personal