Download "Auto Pilot Bitcoin System" Must complete 2 surveys lol.
Coingeneration is pretty bad, their logo is the Illuminati symbol (not judging there) and you must download their hardware, they will pay you one tenth of a cent every few seconds.. Great.
Download "Auto Pilot Bitcoin System" is free 2 surveys for some info on setting up system where u get free btcs note did not and will not say you get a lot of btc but you do get some and a lot for sites allow you to get there downloads for surveys if you can't pay so why not and how is coingenertion pretty bad have you look it up
"you must download their hardware(software*), they will pay you one tenth of a cent every few seconds.. Great."
what do you have to do to mining bitcoins is it not the same you download some software to use your hardware to do some work and you get paid in btc for it DG is just about the same look @ there info
and this is the Illuminati symbol blocked the coingeneration link, I wonder why.
I guess that there is no possibility when you download something that is not open source, they might be planting a botnet or keylogger in your computer.
Also, they are just stealing your CPU power for probably, bitcoin mining. Of course they did not copy the Illuminati sign exactly, IMO they added an upside down triangle and changed the eye to a tiger.
What hardware do you plan to buy for your so called "design company", and by reopen do you mean that you were once in business? I wonder why you shut down
I know it's negative input, but I'm just still trying to figure out how you are going to pay back as for this .tk domain will only "help" the paying back process.