Alright. So, what I did/do is a very simple and shallow research. I am running these addresses through ninjastic and see how many people posted the address in the past. I understand that it won't be accurate, in sense that someone that I marked as green can still probably connected to other participants and abusing this bounty through Blockchain detection.
However, I think this one is enough as a preempetive elimination for those who clearly abused the bounty through multiple acc enrolment. In short, I am limiting the research on whether the wallet address is only ever used by the submitter.
If address was used by several UID in the past, that happens to also enroll on that campaign, I think it's safe to say it indicate a bounty abuse. But, if the address was used by more than one UID, but was not shared in this specific bounty [thus, just a case of multi-acc, but arguably not an abuser], below should be the ones that eligible and next to it are not eligible, with list of other accounts being mentioned next to it... I think we can use these info for
Known Alts of any-one - A User Generated List Mk IV (2024 Q2) [MODERATED] 🤨🔬?
RTR~ | 0xc1...07E9 2.
Bitluck77 | 0x7b...ae6B3.
Freelancershojib | 0x30...3E60 - lovesmayfamilis's detection -
projectdevelopment [A7]
Pompom0 | 0x99...b2e0 -
Moskan70 [A32]
Uvx | 0x74...0E106.
projectdevelopment | 0x81...Ef9B -
this address is clean, but he's still related to [A4]
Ki Kos | 0x39...7B698.
Somar50 | 0x5a...9E8E9.
akash khan | 0x5c...ff3010.
Pompom0 | 0xbe...9a7c - address is clean, but how sure are we he's not related to [A5] Pompom0?
Mohima - rejected by the spreadsheet
Fahim90 - rejected by the spreadsheet
Tiemonium | 0x86...Ed1e14.
Jaba90 | 0x21...daD915.
BitcoinKillerTok | 0x08...8d1316.
vip342820 | 0x87...E2f317.
Mehedi72 | 0x68...fF2518.
Mehedi09 | 0x19...F16019.
Thba | 0xE3...09CC20.
Sobuj02 | 0x5a...BeB021.
Sumikhanom500 - rejected by the spreadsheet
Tahid12 | 0xf4767A23.
Whait444 - rejected by the spreadsheet
Justin999 - 0x1c...E99925.
Santa656 - rejected by the spreadsheet
younas@76872 | 0x07...1dDf27.
Shifa111 | 0xdf...2dbd28.
Jery10 | 0x01...8DDC29.
Sumoia5 | 0x13...A39b30.
Abdullahayan | 0x4D...451F