
Topic: Retirement from Litecoin Reporting (Read 335 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
October 19, 2016, 03:27:22 PM
This is clearly a trick to get us to dump our LTC so you can profit off the Chinese Billionaires who are about to pump LTC to the moon.
Don't fall for the trap!
hero member
Activity: 717
Merit: 501
October 19, 2016, 01:56:26 PM
DEar Loyal FolLowErs And TruSteeS,

I hEreBy AnnOunCe thAt I WilL no LonGER be AbLe to ProVidE my MeaNinGfUl and HighlY ValuEd InsiGhts On ThE fUtuRe MovemEnts of the ShiTCoIn KnoWn aS LiTeCoIn anY LonGeR. I pRoviDed ShiT AnalYsEs wiTh thE AiM of ACcuMmulATion and GaIns, ResuLTinG in CouNTlEss oF ConTraDictiVe StatemEnts and PredICtions fOr A ConSecUtive PeriOd, BuT thE ShiTCoIn KnoWn aS LtC Is No LoNgER viAblE, InterEsTinG, oR wOrtH my TiME or AtTentIon AnY LonGer. It AcHeS mE To AdMiT thE DownFalL of MY FavouRite PumP & DuMp TokEn as It WaS a LucRaTiVe CrEaTor of ExTrA InComE. HowEveR, My KepT BoOkS Has ShOWn ITs 3-YeAr-LoW BrEak Is InEVitAbLe WithIn thE NeXT ThrEE WeEks, WhiCh WilL, WiThoUT a DoUbT, ResULt IN a FlAsh-AnD-KEpT CrASh to 0.00285 BtC.

ThAnk YoU, anD GooByE.

R.i.P, DeAr ShITcoIn. Sad
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