This store in Los Angeles has at least 3 HD5970 available for $599.99 each ($655 including taxes): Fry's Electronic, 6100 Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (
Google maps) (
Fry's map) (
store hours)
Availability and price of the HD5970 can be checked on: (add to cart, select 'store pickup', and search by zip code)
In fact multiple Fry's in the area carry the HD5970. But the stores are far from where I live, my time is precious, I have plenty BTC but a little strapped on cash right now, etc.
go buy three HD5970 from this store (or any other store), it should cost you about $1970 incl. taxes, deliver them to my place, and I will pay you 2300 BTC (my rate is equivalent to $0.857/BTC). Of course I expect a store receipt (I will not accept the delivery without it) and the cards in their original packaging. I live in south Redondo Beach (20min from LAX). You can deliver them any weekday after 8pm, or on the weekends. I will pay you on delivery. Feel free to hang out at my place a few minutes, as you wait for one transaction confirmation from the Bitcoin network. I am a cool guy, live alone, and south Redondo Beach is not a shady area :-)
Email me to arrange this
[email protected]