If this passphrase was NOT from Electrum, you'll need to use a desktop version of Electrum (available for Windows, Linux and Mac here: https://electrum.org/#download)
When you create the new wallet, select "standard wallet -> I already have a seed", then make sure you click the "Options" button and select "BIP39 seed".
After you enter the seed and click next, you'll be prompted for the "Derivation Path". I would suggest trying the following common ones to see if you can recreate the wallet:
m/44'/0'/0' - default, used by a lot of Hardware wallets
m/0' - used by MultiBit HD
If none of those work, you can also try using an offline copy of Ian Coleman's BIP39 tool (https://iancoleman.io/bip39/) and see if you can find the right derivation path by experimenting (click the BIP32 tab and select "custom derivation path" from the drop down), buy the chances of it being anything else are relatively slim