Unfortunately, we don’t have a publicly available report to us to back Reuter’s private session sneak-peak at the data. One would normally need to see just how the growth is being measured and compared (absolute, relative, etc.), over what timeframe (weeks, months, quarters, years, etc.), aggregates data for how long, and how the categorization is derived. Alongside a vast categorization such as crypto, it would also be nice to get some inner specifics such as subcategorization by specific coin/token, content sentiment, and content origin (i.e. corporate vs non-corporate) and language. This may all be in the internal Twitter report, but besides a heading (from Reuters), there’s nothing else to go by here.
My guess is that it’s a multiple year timeframe, judging by some of the mentioned dates in Reuters article (which, by the way, is a month old – october 26 – and is missing out all the late
Note: I thought it might have come from
this 2022 report, but the content is really 2020/2021 based.