Well, someone on a forum wrote a post in bold purple letters, so it definitely must be true...
Well ripple is a token, sure..... that utilises blockchain technology. Is has a different adaption to other coins/tokens. they tried something different. Different must be bad, evil and stupid right?
FUD FUD FUD everywhere, been hearing it for years.... been ignoring it for years. If I had listened to fudsters I wouldn't have : mined & hodled bitcoin in 2012, mined and hodled litecoin in 2014, bought 200,000 XRP for 5c, joined onion airdrop to recieve 100k in coins, and recently bought 100,000 ETN for 2c........... everybody has an opinion....... everyone has an agenda...... and in time most of them are proven to be fools, just like the OP in this thread.