photo 2
Hello guys,
I connected two risers on the same SATA cable, is this correct? photo 1
photo 1
I read that it has to be 1 sata cable for each riser, otherwise it will catch fire or melt
Best practice is one is to one, or use the 6pin USB riser, what you could check is the power draw flowing on your wires.
photo 2
Is it correct or does it need to connect the auxiliary cables?
you actually don't need it, as you are using powered risers already, so you are getting the PCIe power directly from psu
photo 2
Yes, however as much as possible stick to 1 is to 1 rule, or don't use it for more than 2 risers in a single molex cable.
not all actually, I use some of them
my no-break is an SMS net4+ 1400Va, 400w for my no-break is almost nothing!
Sorry, no idea about "no-break" your talking about
also don't know what you mean with this or you're just referring to mining gear racks.