
Topic: Risky of cryptocurrency (Read 97 times)

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September 24, 2018, 10:39:04 AM
1. Some Technologies Will Fail
Remember that cryptocurrencies are basically software, created by people or companies. So just like Webvan or in the dot-com bust, some of these technologies will fail.

…and they will fail spectacularly.

Right now, there is a lot of buzz around certain cryptocurrencies increasing several thousand percent, in a few months. This has a lot to do with ignorance and hype.

Just like when people found out that this new thing called the “internet” would change the world of business.

Did it change the world?

Of course.

But was there a lot of dumb money that overhyped the first wave of internet companies?


So just remember, trading cryptocurrencies is kind of like trading a software stock. Some of the software will change the world.

Others will explode in a giant ball of fire.

There are also a lot of scam coins out there, so be careful. Like penny stocks that are just a company on paper, almost anyone can create a new cryptocurrency.

Learn how to separate the scams from the deeply underpriced currencies. Then use proper risk management and play the odds.
2.  It Requires Technical Savvy Computer Let's face it, cryptocurrencies were created by super nerds. Like with Linux, there is still quite a bit of technical know-how that is required. You don't need to know how to code, but if you are “not good with computers” you may want to stay away from cryptocurrency trading, at least until they start building more user friendly interfaces.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling anyone dumb. I'm just saying that if you don't possess a certain skillset, then you shouldn't get involved in that area. This could cause you to lose a lot of money, very quickly.

For example, I don't know how to sew, so I don't make my own clothes. If I did try to make my own clothes, everyone who meets me would think I'm a weirdo for wearing fucked up pants.

You get the picture.

So if you aren't so tech savvy, but still want to get involved, find someone you trust to trade for you.

3. There's a Lot of Broker and Technology Risk
Since this is emerging technology, there are still a lot of unknowns with trading at scale and how brokers and the software will react to certain surprise events. If you think that Forex brokers are risky, then you should consider cryptocurrency brokers at least twice as risky. Not just because they could be shady, but there a still so many unknowns with the technology.

However, I would still trust the bigger cryptocurrency exchanges over a lot of offshore binary options brokers

So the lesson is: Don't keep too much of your coinage at the brokers. Move them off to your own wallet as soon as possible.

I'll get to wallets later in this guide.

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