that can not be a coincidence lol
so that leaves what ? super mega ultra hardcore spammer advertising.. that's what
i am growing tired of trying to tell them their antics are just going to turn people off the coin.. they just don't get it :/
I repeat the facts just for you. Every big player in Bitcoin supports Monero, all of them, and all of them strive to see it thrive. You better get used to Monero posts otherwise you might have a mental breakdown (are you having one already?). Monero is what Bitcoin always wanted to be and not a single shitcoin could ever possibly reach. Not far in the future you will be posting on Monerotalk, when XMR is what BTC is now. The #1. Everything will be traded /XMR. Neglect it now, put your head in the sand now, close your eyes now. You will see the truth later because there is no running away from that day.
Have a good day you troll
ok so uhhhh one of your big time supporters the other day said it was a clone coin from Cryptonote.
so.. when you say..
Bitcoin wanted to be a CLONE COIN ?
I suggest you don't invest heavily in clone coins.. then your stuck having to defend them
Or is this your 9/5 job ?
Your superiority complex over Bitcoin with Monero is laughable.
Explain to me why the whole spinning world we call earth is going to "real soon" dump the Bitcoin support infrastructure and support services in favor of a cryptonote clone ?
What you have here at Bitcointalk is an ANN topic for Cryptonote releasing a "PLATFORM" so you can make your own clone coin.
i am not even kidding i commented on it yesterday !
I ask the OP why they released a coin / platform and actually advised the world to clone it and make coins ?
I suggested the notion that it's an attempt to capitalize on the best part of a coins release.. the early flash mining part.
Hey a "platform" you can churn out coins on LOL
really i am just waiting for the switch to another Cryptonote coin clone to see spammed to death..
The usual "Pump Group" Marketing team foundation, spamming and advertising shills just lurk around creating accounts and bumping topics
calling everyone a Troll and accusing people of FUD'ing if you don't hand over your Bitcoin..
What next ? XURO ? MoneroX... shares + with new market place IPO time ?? ahhaha LOL
Bullying and harassing people at Bitcointalk for Bitcoin is a lucrative business model for all those "Github Foundations" with """"""""investors"""""""
BUY my shit coin clone or your a TROLL !
Gimme your Bitcoin or your just posting FUD.
Hey people notice how these crypto-multi-level marketing teams have one interest ?
..getting their hands on YOUR Bitcoin LOL
you know the crappy coin that will get beaten by Monero any day now