
Topic: Rudd-O, the Hypocrite (Read 2232 times)

Activity: 756
Merit: 504
November 17, 2012, 10:53:51 AM
I coincidentally uncovered a hypocrite, Rudd-O:

Name: Rudd-O
Posts: 183
Position: Full Member
Date Registered: 08-11-2012, 01:52:45
Last Active: Today at 06:58:33

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The AgainstAllArchons guide and FAQ

What is this community about?


We collect, share and learn knowledge about these topics.  We also discuss and come up with voluntary and rational ways, strategies and methodologies to living free in a voluntary manner, to strip archons and archists of their authority, power and influence, and to bring about an archon-free world.  Such tactics include (but are not limited to) includes peaceful parenting,  therapy, self-discovery, agorism, using the "against me" argument effectively, shedding toxic relationships from one's life, and all forms of advocacy for voluntary relationships.


Useful information and suggestions for our members


How to effectively participate, interact with, and triage people

1 Ask him what his conclusions are, and why he believes it.  Inquire as to which information would change his mind.
2 Socratically question him, slowly presenting him or confronting him with the necessary contradictions, evidence and logic that would change their mind.
3 Do not waste your time doing this more than once per person.  Once is enough.
4 If he changes his mind, great.  You have changed someone's mind.
5 If he doesn't change his mind, he refuses to understand, or he starts bringing up new excuses to negate your arguments, triage him as resistant to reason, point it out so that others can benefit from your discovery, and move on.  Do not engage him any further, as engaging him more is only going to cost you your time and further headache.
6 If he becomes abusive, starts attacking you, or starts openly advocating for aggression, report him to the moderators using the "report post" link or the  "message the moderators" link (attach an explanation with evidence).  We will remove him at once from the subreddit.


When such persons engage in "debate", they really are only engaging in a toxic form of self-manipulation.  The goal of the self-manipulation is to suppress cognitive dissonance, suspend rational thoughts and "dangerous questions" to their belief system, and to calm their negative emotions.  Their actions clearly telegraph "I don't want to think.  Please make it stop.  You are hurting me with your ideas."

They accomplish that by (unconsciously but) deliberately transferring their own frustrations and negative emotions onto you, both by abusing you directly or indirectly, and by generating copious amounts of frustration on you.  It's quite literally an attack on your well-being and peace of mind, falsely posing as an "argument", to get you to stop questioning their belief system, so that they can return to their previous emotional state.  This behavior is both dishonest toward yourself, and dishonest toward themselves.


There is another class of people who will behave in the same manner (or almost indistinguishably).  It is the paid shill, tasked with generating the same reactions out of you, and / or applying COINTELPRO tactics on your community.  If you have a well-founded belief that a person is engaging in this type of activity, please report them immediately to us.


Governance guidelines
Moderators' prerogatives, suggestions and criteria


If it helps to visualize your mission, think of yourself as a nightclub co-owner and part-time bouncer.  You will get loud and obnoxious drunks at the door, trying to get in to grope the girls, or trying to create an unpleasant environment for decent clubgoers so that they will go to another club.  You accomplish your job best by standing completely impassive, arms crossed, denying them entrance,  not giving a shit about whatever lies they yell.  From time to time, they may even repeatedly attack you -- in those cases, you simply rough them up a bit strictly in self-defense, humiliate them publicly so that others will identify them for the obnoxious pricks they are, and return to your previous usual chill.


People to be kept off the premises include anyone who is verbally abusive (particularly if they are repeatedly verbally abusive, or if they have a hostiry of defamatory behavior and false accusations), and anyone who advocates for archon-based relationships (especially if the person is deliberately trying to pass off archon-based relationship or aggressive actions as "voluntary and consensual").  You are also encouraged to ban people with whom you have had a disagreement in the past that ended up in him being verbally abusive or advocating for aggression.


You will get flak for this.  The whole point of the flak is precisely to manipulate you, through guilt and fear that your reputation will be tarnished, into backing down from your decision, no matter how justified.  They will alternate between trying to win you over and tryiing to hurt you.  That is normal; it is nothing but their childish manipulation tactics at play, and they behave in this manner because it worked for them in other situations.  You should do your best not to care about (or let yourself be manipulated by) the flak -- this is your house and you are entitled to keep undesirables off it.

Practical guidelines to identify unwelcome people and behavior


To protect the value of our community for our members, people engaging in the following behaviors -- whether the behavior happens in our subreddit or in other subreddits -- will be banned on the spot:

- People who repeatedly display verbally or physically abusive behavior towards others. Such behavior might not always be against the NAP, but we don't tolerate gratuituous assholes.
- People who make false or unsubstantiated accusations against others, in particular if the accusations are intended to defame, discredit or character-assassinate. Such behavior might not be strictly against the NAP, but we don't tolerate slanderers.
- People who advocate or make apologies for the initiation of violence against others (whether political, religious or familial), particularly against defenseless persons. Such behavior advocates and normalizes the violation of the NAP.
- People who repeatedly fog, prevaricate, disinform, mock, condescend, engage in concern trollery, engage others with logical fallacies, post inflammatory remarks, or in any other way act to provoke anger and frustration in people. Such behavior might not always be against the NAP, but we don't tolerate liars, fraudsters and agent provocateurs.
- People who display a systemic pattern of undermining, disrupting or sabotaging our community's members, discussions, morale and / or mission (as stated above), whether they do it alone or by conspiring with others. Such behavior might not be strictly against the NAP, but we don't tolerate shills, paid or unemployed.

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