So, with all the abundancy of new coins that are arising (Fishcoin
, Cthulhucoin
, Dubstepcoin
, et cetera), isn't it time for an update or addition to rule #34 of the internet, when talking about a subject on the internet?
Rule 34: There is porn of it, no exceptions.
Rule 35: If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made.
But seriously: how far will this go? Are people also really taking some of these coins seriously in that they fill a certain need or could work in a certain target group? I remember reading a thread a couple of days ago about a guy thinking about whether to invest $10.000 (yes,
ten thousand actual US dollars) in DogeCoin, or another alt-coin. Okay, DogeCoin, we got it, it was fun, ridiculous, and grew outside of proportions fast.
I also remember reading a thread about DiamondCoin, where some dude really saw actual potential in a coin like that. Let me quote two of his main reasons for DiamondCoin's possible success (according to him):
Woman friendly
Woman and shopping: yes. You know what I am saying. 4.5 billion people. And other 4.5 billion want to make woman happy
DMD is woman friendly: requires no energy if she wants, beautiful name, luxury and precious feeling that woman loves. Woman love collecting things that are precious right? Also, woman likes things that represent love. Remember: diamond engagement ring. No altcoin can do it better than DMD
DMD may be adopted by gaming industry too. Diamond is something very familiar to gamers. It can be part of rewarding items or payment system in games. Using the same reward that can be exchanged freely on the market will connect gamers and indie developers together. Let me think about it.
Okay DogeCoin was fun, and we made a lot of money. But at the same time it pointed at the idiosyncrasy of the whole alt-coin system, the pump and dumps, and the emptiness of coins that are based on nothing at all. If "real" money is created out of nothing, a trust in that it represents a certain value, what value do these coins that are based on an alternation of a cryptographic equivalent of this "trust" hold? How could this ever work? These coins have
no long lasting value.
Are we still gonna be making money with these new coins? Hell yes. But if we do, what the hell are we doing or creating anyway!? Think about that for a moment. Please don't invest more than you can afford to lose into these coins, and don't take things too seriously. Or please do. But always think about what you are doing at the moment, and what an unique situation we are having here. Enjoy it while it lasts. I definitely will.