I also had Bitcoin testnet on a very low resource VPS
Having just the testnet doesn't need too many resources, but I have my doubts for both mainnet & testnet & electrum server running for both of them. Maybe this isn't a task that can be managed by a RPi 4.
Yeah, I mean the directory of my Electrum server.
You should be fine (for now). I don't think Electrs goes over 200GB at max on mainnet.
Yes, but how many gigabytes are the rest of them? The mainnet blockchain, the testnet blockchain and the electrum directory for testnet? My disk isn't exactly 1TB, but almost 980GB if I'm not mistaken.
2. Electrs memory usage is higher during indexing process, so you should do it one by one (indexing mainnet, then testnet or vice versa).
I've indexed the testnet and will index mainnet in the future, once I'm fully synced with it, so this part is covered.