then try `electrum.exe help`.
I couldn't do that until now so sorry for the delay in the answer. I tried what you mentioned and It's still not working , I will contact Thomas and see If he could help me out.
and then you can use each of these inside that Console.
I tried that as well but I'm getting SyntaxError: invalid syntax each time I write something on the console tab . (I tried different combinations like I did with command lines)
The syntax error is pretty trivial... Don't try to execute "listunspent". Execute "listunspent()" instead
That's not valid for all commands , If I type "listaddresses" without the () I get this error 'listaddresses' is a function. Type 'listaddresses()' to use it in the Python console. but when I type help with or without the () , It's not working at all and gives me
Traceback (most recent call last): NameError: name 'help' is not defined , If I write "electrum" before it then It gives me syntax error