If Putin wanted to take down America, here's how he could do it rather easily, and without war at all. Don't get me wrong. I am not against the United States government. I am simply against it overextending itself.
Listen and think. I am going point blank with this... few words, lots of meaning.
1. The Federal Reserve Bank and the fiat money system are a great big Ponzi that is based on making loans. This Ponzi needs more and more loans to be made just so it can continue to exist.
2. The biggest borrower from the FED is the United States government.
3. U.S. borrowing is based on repayment promises, which are based on how much income tax can be collected from the people.
4. The IRS tells us in its pamphlets that income taxes are voluntary. Voluntary is true, even though it doesn't seem voluntary. The reason is that people simply don't know how easy it is to volunteer out.
5. If people stopped paying income taxes, the U.S. government would have to stop expanding, and would start to contract in size, because it couldn't borrow any more money from the FED.
6. What does this have to do with Putin? He could covertly spread the method for people to volunteer out of the income tax IF HE KNEW IT. It's simple. I will show it to you (and to him, if he is looking) below.
7. Fill out your Form W-4 with your name, address, and SSN like usual. Then, on every line except the dependents line, write "n-a" on each line. On the dependents line (currently line 7) write "EXEMPT." Then, sign the W-4, non-assumpsit (no contract), followed by your signature.
8. Do the same with your 1040 when you file your taxes.
9. IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING HERE. If the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA takes you to court over this, require them to get some man or woman on the stand, under oath or affirmation, who will verify by speaking it into the record, the exact amount of income that you earned for the year. They can't... because if you haven't told anyone, the IRS will have to find someone who was with you all year long, 24/7/365, who saw exactly how much you made (NOTE: if you told them already, you are sunk. Don't attempt this if you have told them your earnings already. In that case, you have testified against yourself.).
10. If Putin (or anyone else) would support the first few people who did this financially through court, until it became commonly known, he could conquer America because people would stop paying taxes, and government would have no strength to fight him. Corporations can do the same thing, but it is a bit different for them.
11. You may need to take your employer's CFO to court to get them to stop withholding illegally after you file your W-4.
12. In some cases, you may need to take an IRS agent to court to get them to admit that they don't know what your income was.
To find out how to do this stuff safely, Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."
Listen to the videos here
http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Karl-Lentz.html, and more importantly, listen to at least video Episodes 01, 02, and 03 here
While the whole process is this simple, as I have outlined above. DON'T GO OFF HALF COCKED. EVEN THOUGH IT IS EASY, DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE YOU USE ANY OF THIS.