IF it ends up as a "underground-only" cryptocurrency, "according to" a cabal of entities who make the "rules", because a scantioned nation-state used it?
Most of the world population goes by those rules. They usually end up as laws.
Will it be "our" loss if it proves the technology works as designed? Plus a nation-state truly using it will not make Bitcoin "underground-only", it could start real adoption.
There are a lot of wonderful experiments that didn't get world wide acceptance/traction for whatever odd reasons. And I will not talk (only) about (some) altcoins, I would (also) talk about better ways to store data (much better than DVD), for example. The world goes on and most will not miss that, but for some.. it's a loss.
You do have a good point about proving it works as designed, although imho that was already proven.
Can Russia trigger real adoption? I doubt it. Just look how the "adoption" went in China. They toyed Bitcoin for a while, then kicked it out and started their centralized coin. It has proven to us the Bitcoin resilience, but for the average Chen it's a loss.
And the western banking sector (and it friends) just waits the perfect opportunity/reason to ban their main competitor. And then.. who will adopt Bitcoin?
Are you saying the community should protest, and tell Russia not to use Bitcoin?
It's a free world (actually network), that's the beauty of it. And protesting won't help; I don't expect Russian government care at all.
But please allow me still be concerned, OK?
But what would be the point of Bitcoin? What would then be its main value-proposition?
I find Bitcoin now at a thin balance between the experimental status and worldwide adoption. I fear that the critical mass (user base) is not yet achieved and although we both have similar goal for Bitcoin, I'd prefer to "play safe" a little more.
What we have now with Bitcoin is a mix of hope and speculation. Bitcoin's actual value will come after the critical mass is reached and we can go on with or without the current financial sector.
It will for me, it might for Putin and other sanctioned countries, and for the Heroine dealers in the dark markets.
I don't think that you really want that. It would be an immense setback.