
Topic: Russian Miner Coin (RMC) (Read 1785 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 04, 2018, 01:59:59 AM
Hey the going guys and welcome to Cryptolaboratory ICO rating list!
Our experts analyzed the ratings of 14 world rating agencies and on its base calculated the weighted average of the project.
Your rating is 41.84 of 100.
Full information you can see in the description of Russian Miner Coin (RMC).
Just look us, comment on us and follow us on social networks.
Thank you for your attention!

|Cryptolaboratory team|
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
July 09, 2018, 06:53:44 AM
Can you show some information about the product? Sound interesting. I haven't invested in mining but maybe I will start with this in the near future. Hope you will help
The official website of the company - On it you will find a lot of information.
hero member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 641
July 10, 2018, 11:38:09 AM
The official website says
July 2018
Start production of Multiclet miners. Exchange 1 RMC token for a Multiclet miner or Grin continuation of joint mining on the Sunrise miners.

I'll tell you a secret. If the Russians say "or", then usually there will be something that they say after "or" Smiley

December 2018
Launch of work of the Multiclet miners

I want to see this miracle Smiley

Miners Sunrise in performance is not worse than Bitmain's miners.

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
July 10, 2018, 01:30:52 AM
Why December 2018? Shouldn't the multiclets be there in September according to the whitepaper?
Also RMC said something about Autumn.

This is the last unofficial announcement made by Dmitry Marinichev in telegram channel on 1 May.

1. Hashrate will stabilize soon.
2. In May 2018 high chance to get more Sunrise miners allocated.
3. X and T models are ready and stored at the facility.
4. Air-cooled models are now on hold. Work on them will continue in June.
5. Multiclet is expected in autumn. They will be produced together in one batch so there is no need for a queue. Just wait and get your dividends. In August there will be some demo miners produced for testing.
6. They plan to make a conference in the RMC factory in June.

Итaк, в итoгe:
1. Caнки cкopo нaчнyт paбoтaть cтaбильнo.
2. B мae мacштaбныe пoдключeния caнoк oчeнь вepoятны.
3. Caнки пpoизвeдeны и пpocтo лeжaт нa cклaдe (нaдo пoлaгaть, X и T вepcии, жидкocтныe). ДA. к нaшeмy глyбoкoмy coжaлeнию. (((
4. Boздyшныe caнки, для кoтopыx тaк дoлгo лoмaли paдиaтopы, coвceм выбывaют из игpы (?) HET. К вoздyшным вepнeмcя в кoнцe мaя-июня. Для иx пpoизвoдcтвa вcё гoтoвo. Пpocтo ceйчac ocнoвнoй yпop нa ycтaнoвкy пpoизвeдeннoгo вoдянoгo.
5. Myльтиклeт oceнью бyдeт пpoизвeдeн oднoй пapтиeй и oбмeнeн нa  RMC, Oбмeн - в пocлeдний мoмeнт, пoкa пycть лeжaт и пpинocят дивидeнды. 1 RMC = 1 Myльтиклeт.
hero member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 641
July 09, 2018, 10:45:27 AM
On the official website a lot of General information. I understand that the manufacturer does not yet have the characteristics of new miners or this information is a secret.  Wait for December 2018 Smiley
hero member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 641
July 08, 2018, 02:57:17 PM
As an ico investor in RMC the hold has been pretty tough, especially because the lack of sunrises, JMC payouts and their performance overall.

So now almost everyone who owns a whole RMC will wait for the multiclet even though many wonder if this will perform even close to what has been promised and probably delayed big time again.

So as am investor I asking. Could you please give us some real news, updates about multiclet development? At least an effort to show that you care about your investors?
Right now we are feeling blind and deaf for a long timewhich is really frustrating.

It seems this is not their official topic, and there are no representatives of the company. But I saw this announcement not so long ago, maybe it will answer your questions:
📣Interim results of the development of a new generation miner – Multiclet!

✅Processor MultiCell S1 consists of 4 clusters, united by the AXI tire. Each cluster includes 4 cores, each of which, in turn, consists of 4 cells. The cell is a processor device, the command system of which is focused on the performance of computational tasks. All cells are identical.

✅To store and access large amounts of data, two DDR4 controllers (including the physical layer) are connected to the tire, and a PCIe controller (also with the physical layer) on 4 lines is connected to communicate with the external environment.

Currently, the cluster code has been developed and tested on RTL tests. We performed a logic synthesis test (28 nm) for a preliminary estimation of the parameters of footprint and performance. We conducted a trial of topological synthesis with the use of no-sheet, obtained during the synthesis . A pre-floorplan of a processor was created. The results of the synthesis confirm the reachability of the declared performance parameters (1.5 GHz) and area by the cluster. In order to reduce the time of testing the CPU in full (using the models of IP blocks supplied with the blocks), we conduct testing of the interaction of cluster and tire using  FPGA Xilinx (V6) tools.

We developed assembler and linker which are put into operation and are used at writing of tests of the processor. To debug assembler and C programs, a program model of the processor is created and included in the Geany debugging environment. An alpha version of the compiler has been developed and its trial operation on test sets (CoreMark, etc.) has been started to evaluate the performance.
Where did you get this information? Can you provide a link to the source?  What is stated about the hashrate of asics?
Activity: 129
Merit: 0
July 08, 2018, 10:32:54 AM
Can you show some information about the product? Sound interesting. I haven't invested in mining but maybe I will start with this in the near future. Hope you will help
hero member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 641
July 08, 2018, 06:59:08 AM
I perfectly understand Russian. I spent a little time and studied the project.  Russian Mining Center has collected a record for the Russian ICO $43.2 million Team well done, at the right time made ICO and attracted good capital.  Many people like to say that Russian projects are Scam. That's not true. The team is known in Russia.

Now about the maneuvers. There are no 16 nm technologies in Russia. I'm sure SUNRISE is made on the basis of another brand( maybe PANTECH, but that's my guess). What did the RMC team do?
They improved the cooling and ventilation system of ASICs, added a water cooling system. They have expanded the possibilities of asics for use in water heating systems, heating, etc. This is all very good.
The solution is very interesting, especially for those people who use boilers to heat water. They can also mine cryptocurrency.  But these miners are not sold in stores, so there are no reviews of them, except for information on the official website.
But if we consider the solution from the point of view of mining, the offer from Bitmine is more attractive at the price.
Now what about the miners of a new generation of Multiclet. "The miner will reduce electricity consumption up to 220 times and ROI less than 24 hours."It's fantastic. No in Russia such technologies, engineers and possibilities for competition with the  Bitmine Smiley

I hope the review was helpful
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
July 08, 2018, 01:49:24 AM
As an ico investor in RMC the hold has been pretty tough, especially because the lack of sunrises, JMC payouts and their performance overall.

So now almost everyone who owns a whole RMC will wait for the multiclet even though many wonder if this will perform even close to what has been promised and probably delayed big time again.

So as am investor I asking. Could you please give us some real news, updates about multiclet development? At least an effort to show that you care about your investors?
Right now we are feeling blind and deaf for a long timewhich is really frustrating.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 25, 2018, 06:18:44 PM
Thanks so much!!!

I don’t have any merit, but if someone has and interested in RMC project, please give him or her some merit!
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
February 24, 2018, 08:48:30 AM
Here is the YouTube link.
Anyone who speaks Russian, please help me understanding what they are talking about.

The first one about which he tells the basic model, it air consists of four hash-boards. Consumption 2,8 kW power 22 TH/s. It has powerful ventilators.
If you look at how it is designed this needle radiator, the most effective for today. It costs on each hash-board.
On the reverse side, a large flow of warm air is blowing.

All the miners represented here are now out of stock and are issued only on our ICO.
In the sale they will not be until they are received by all the participants of the ICO.

Next it shows the quietest model. it works silently. It looks like an oil cooler. On top warm air is blowing. Power 5 TH/s, consumes 600-700 W. The task of this solution is to simultaneously heat the room and mining.

The next solution is a water-heating boiler on 1,5 kW. This is also a very quiet solution. On the one hand cold water is supplied, on the other hand it is hot. It can be installed in standard heating circuits in houses. The maximum temperature of water that it heats is 60-65 ° C.

The next thing that he shows - it looks easy, but it is on this basis that farms are built on many MW. There is nothing superfluous in it, it consists of four hash boards and one controller.
Heat is removed with the help of radiators in which water flows.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 24, 2018, 05:20:31 AM
Here is the YouTube link.
Anyone who speaks Russian, please help me understanding what they are talking about.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 23, 2018, 07:35:36 PM
No report yet, but seems like they had presentation for participants.

📣Дoбpый дeнь yвaжaeмыe yчacтники пpoeктa!
Пpиглaшaeм вac нa пpeзeнтaцию нaшиx мaйнepoв, кoтopyю пpoвeдёт личнo Cepгeй Бoбылeв!
🔝Cepгeй paccкaжeт пpo мaйнинг и пpoвeдёт дeмoнcтpaцию шиpoкoй линeйки ycтpoйcтв, чacть из кoтopыx бyдeт пoдключeнa вo вpeмя мepoпpиятия.
🔥Зaвтpa, 23 фeвpaля, ждём вac пo aдpecy: гopoд Mocквa, yлицa Tвepcкaя, 28, cтpoeниe 1, Oбщecтвeнный штaб Пapтии Pocтa. Haчaлo в 18:00.
He пpoпycтитe, мы гoтoвы oтвeтить нa вce вoпpocы, выcлyшaть пpeдлoжeния и пoжeлaния!

📣Good afternoon, dear participants!
We invite you to the presentation of our miners, that will be personally conducted by Sergei Bobylev!
🔝Sergei will talk about mining and demonstrate a wide range of devices, some of which will be connected during the event.
🔥Tomorrow, February 23, we are waiting for you at the address: Moscow, Tverskaya Street, 28, Building 1, Public Headquarters of the Party of Growth. The beginning is at 18:00.
Do not miss out, we are ready to answer all questions, listen to suggestions and wishes!
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 19, 2018, 08:34:01 PM
Current status is this.
Does this mean they find another 2 blocks in this short time?

 Online Machines: 1,076
 Speed ​​(10 m): 6.96 PH
 Speed ​​(1h): 6.97 PH
 Bloks found: 4
 Payments made: 341
 Solutions today: 10.008 G
 Recalculation: in 7 hours
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 02:30:21 AM
Current status

 Machines online: 1,083
 Speed ​​(10 m): 7.03 PH
 Speed ​​(1h): 7.01 PH
 Bloks found: 2
 Payments made: 338
 Solutions today: 0
 Recalculation: in 54 hours

The number of Machines online is gradually increasing.
Activity: 392
Merit: 27
February 16, 2018, 09:23:18 PM
Dmitry Marinichev
I'm from Russia and five-six months ago I read news about a new co-processor for mining, which is developed by this person's laboratory, is twice as powerful as Intel's latest development. also this person is the owner of a large knowledge with a large number of farms and asics, the second floor of the building is assigned to the laboratory for the development of the Russian mining turnover. He is also an Internet ombudsman who promotes mining in Russia

So at least one of the members is possibly trustworthy, right?

Yes it is, I read about it for a long time. he has his own page, where the addresses of the mail are indicated for communication with him.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 16, 2018, 01:03:27 PM
Dmitry Marinichev
I'm from Russia and five-six months ago I read news about a new co-processor for mining, which is developed by this person's laboratory, is twice as powerful as Intel's latest development. also this person is the owner of a large knowledge with a large number of farms and asics, the second floor of the building is assigned to the laboratory for the development of the Russian mining turnover. He is also an Internet ombudsman who promotes mining in Russia

So at least one of the members is possibly trustworthy, right?
Activity: 392
Merit: 27
February 15, 2018, 07:23:39 PM
Dmitry Marinichev
I'm from Russia and five-six months ago I read news about a new co-processor for mining, which is developed by this person's laboratory, is twice as powerful as Intel's latest development. also this person is the owner of a large knowledge with a large number of farms and asics, the second floor of the building is assigned to the laboratory for the development of the Russian mining turnover. He is also an Internet ombudsman who promotes mining in Russia
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 15, 2018, 06:47:19 PM
They made Company tour with the RMC token holders.
This is second time they did.

Here is summary in English.

Brief summary of the excursion:
1. Sunrise exists.
The air is in the racks,
Water drops, a few pieces on a small, temporary strapping. Video with the characteristics - tomorrow.
2. With the connection of the distributed dropsy, the problem is bureaucratic (there is water, electricity is coordinated)
As soon as the energy is coordinated, (2-3 weeks) a mass connection of dropsy is planned.
The video with a stack of w will be later.
3. With the queue the question is solved at the technological level, it will be resolved and will improve until the middle of March.
4. Participants who have problems with non-delivery of paid miners should apply to the KNOPP (colocation department)
The same applies to too small a hash from the workers.
5. With the production of airways:
It is assumed several (?) hundreds of weeks through 2-3. There are fees, solving problems with heat sink.

Bobilev said while ico that it will be only 10700 MCs total.
few months later he said 10% from total company will produce for itself. so we are at 10700+1070= 11800 MCs

this project has nothing to do with white paper no more. its about what they decide is better for them

Victor Molchunov:
Кpaткoe peзюмe пo экcкypcии:
1. Caнpaйзы cyщecтвyют.
Boздyшки - в cтoйкax,
Boдянки, нecкoлькo штyк нa мaлeнькoй, вpeмeнoй oбвязкe. Bидeo c xapaктepиcтикaми - зaвтpa.
2. C пoдключeниeм poздaнныx вoдянoк пpoблeмa бюpoкpaтичecкoгo xapaктepa (вoдa ecть, элeктpичecтвo coглacoвывaют)
Кaк тoлькo coглacyют энepгию, (2-3 нeдeли) плaниpyeтcя мaccoвoe пoдключeниe вoдянoк.
Bидeo co штaбeлeм w бyдeт пoзжe.
3. C oчepeдью вoпpoc peшaeтcя нa тexнoлoгичecкoм ypoвнe, peшитcя и yлyчшитcя дo cepeдины мapтa.
4. Учacтники, имeющиe пpoблeмы c нeпocтaвкoй пpoплaчeнныx мaйнepoв дoлжны oбpaщaтьcя в КHOПП (oтдeл кoлoкaции)
Этo жe кacaeтcя и cлишкoм мaлoгo xэшa c paбoтaющиx.
5.C пpoизвoдcтвoм вoздyшeк:
пpeдпoлaгaeтcя нecкoлькo (?) coтeн нeдeли чepeз 2-3. Плaты ecть, peшaютcя пpoблeмы c тeплooтвoдoм.

Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 13, 2018, 08:43:31 PM
I don’t know why but RMC holder have to pay 1% for his work.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 13, 2018, 07:46:37 PM
They started writing software contest.
What do you think?

Дopoгиe дpyзья! У нac cтapтyeт кoнкypc пo нaпиcaнию ПO для мaйнepa Myльтиклeт!
Этo oчeнь вaжнaя миccия и мы ждeм тaлaнтливыx paзpaбoтчикoв. Toлькo чecтнaя кoнкypeнция oпpeдeлит cильнeйшиx!
Пoбeдитeлeй ждeт 1% oт мaйнингa c иcпoльзoвaниeм иx coфтa нa мaйнepe Myльтиклeт. Лyчшиe и cвoeвpeмeнныe paбoты бyдyт пocтaвлятьcя в кoмплeктe c мaйнepoм.

C пoдpoбным oпиcaниeм и ycлoвиями кoнкypca вы мoжeтe oзнaкoмитьcя пo aдpecy:

Dear friends! We are starting a contest for writing software for the Multiclet miner!
This is a very important mission and we are waiting for talented developers. Only fair competition will determine the strongest!
The winners will receive a prize: 1% of the mining on the Multiclet on their software. The best and timely work will be delivered with the miner.

A detailed description and conditions of the contest can be found at:
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
February 13, 2018, 06:12:16 AM
I doubt those people are the famous persons in Russia.
and I've ever heard a thing about Multiclet processor,  the Russians did the Elbrus CPU, yes but that is another story I think
but Russians really creative, they can do something really decent.. not sure, though, this is the case ))
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 13, 2018, 04:46:02 AM
Hi!! I start to see the pages related to RMC, but I see many info in russian, I am from Mexico, and the russian info is very complex to me  Huh, is there someone who speak russian and wants to colaborate to this post?? I think that 22 TH/s miner is a good option to consider, but i want to be safe for a scam.

                                                            I'm from Russia, and my language is Russian.  As for this project, I do not have confidence in it and I did not invest in it.  This is my personal opinion, based on my experience and knowledge.  The safest way to extract coins, this is when mining on your own farm.  If you want someone else to mine for you, then you risk losing your money.

Now more and more participants are suspicious about this project, because of their lack of communication in the telegram chat, they hardly answer any of the questions.

I really would like to know your personal opinion as a Russian.

Are those members which is stated as a core stuff of RMC really reliable? Are they famous person in Russia? Do they often show up on TV? 
(Sergei Bobylev, Boris Zyrianov, Dmitry Marinichev, Nikolai Streltsov, Aleksei Demidov, Konstantin Alenov, Oksana Bobyleva)

As a foreigner, I don't know any of them.
Activity: 356
Merit: 13
coinBusiness / Gapur Ozdoev
February 12, 2018, 01:47:29 PM
Hi!! I start to see the pages related to RMC, but I see many info in russian, I am from Mexico, and the russian info is very complex to me  Huh, is there someone who speak russian and wants to colaborate to this post?? I think that 22 TH/s miner is a good option to consider, but i want to be safe for a scam.

                                                            I'm from Russia, and my language is Russian.  As for this project, I do not have confidence in it and I did not invest in it.  This is my personal opinion, based on my experience and knowledge.  The safest way to extract coins, this is when mining on your own farm.  If you want someone else to mine for you, then you risk losing your money.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 104
Esport Ecosystem
February 12, 2018, 05:45:46 AM
650 kh/s cryptonight minner that was Big hashrate if it on a single chip, then if it real it will kill GPU Rig for cryptonight Grin Grin. and then we will see big discount price for AMD GPU if it happen, but since the cryptonight algo is asic resistant it is just like a little bit unreal for me.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 12, 2018, 05:38:48 AM
One more thing, you can use RMC to buy Sunrise miners, paying RMC tokens equivalent to f $1600 + VAT.
Sunrise was supposed to be released in September 2017, but still not many machine is working because they don't have a waterline to cool them with.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 12, 2018, 04:07:04 AM
What is the purpose of RMC coin? Do you need that coin to buy Russian Miner's ASICs or you can buy them with bitcoins? I am interested but I couldn't find enough information and feedback from customers.

Basically RMC is a token to buy Multiclet, a miner estimated performance of the device based on Multiclet processor would be 5 Gh/s on the algorithm Ethash (Ethereum) (consuming 1 kW) and 650 kH/s on the algorithm CryptoNight (Monero). You can't buy Multiclet directly by BTC. 1 RMC = 1 Multiclet.

You can buy RMC token in several exchanges. I'm using Bitflip, but not many people trading, so the value goes up and down a lot. I suggest you put BTC in the exchange, and wait @ Buy.
full member
Activity: 1302
Merit: 129
Vaccinized.. immunity level is full.
January 11, 2018, 06:02:38 PM
What is the purpose of RMC coin? Do you need that coin to buy Russian Miner's ASICs or you can buy them with bitcoins? I am interested but I couldn't find enough information and feedback from customers.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
November 25, 2017, 04:58:11 AM
Hi!! I start to see the pages related to RMC, but I see many info in russian, I am from Mexico, and the russian info is very complex to me  Huh, is there someone who speak russian and wants to colaborate to this post?? I think that 22 TH/s miner is a good option to consider, but i want to be safe for a scam.

jr. member
Activity: 97
Merit: 1
September 19, 2017, 02:54:45 AM
Their website has a 22 TH/s miner and some pretty interesting details about a new Multiclet(sp) chip claiming 650KH/s Cryptonight.

Does anybody have any experience with this ICO?
Wouldn't mind buying a 22TH miner...

Hmm...sounds great if its true.. however, I belive it when I see it. And very sceptical about that cryptonight chip too. But who knows.. good if there is some serious competition agains bitmain etc!

I agree with you that there are reasons to be sceptic about it
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
September 19, 2017, 02:51:20 AM
Their website has a 22 TH/s miner and some pretty interesting details about a new Multiclet(sp) chip claiming 650KH/s Cryptonight.

Does anybody have any experience with this ICO?
Wouldn't mind buying a 22TH miner...

Hmm...sounds great if its true.. however, I belive it when I see it. And very sceptical about that cryptonight chip too. But who knows.. good if there is some serious competition agains bitmain etc!

Activity: 62
Merit: 10
I do electrical.
September 19, 2017, 01:37:41 AM
Their website has a 22 TH/s miner and some pretty interesting details about a new Multiclet(sp) chip claiming 650KH/s Cryptonight.

Does anybody have any experience with this ICO?
Wouldn't mind buying a 22TH miner...
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