...In Russia, police and people are not compatible. There the police are in the service of the government, and not of the citizens of the country, therefore any action of the population will be met by opposition from the police.
That is getting close to the core of the problem with police.
Police are given money to do what normal people in a decent society should do for free.
But money isn't enough, they demand to be respected for being paid for that 'work', and then they abuse their privileges to the extreme and demand to not have to pay the same price for crimes as others, all while strutting and whining that they are brave servants held to some high standard.
But the problem is that they are not a separate species, not a type of vermin that comes from elsewhere. The truth is, and it has been proven again and again, if you give a young guy a badge and a gun he is going to have fun with it. It doesn't matter rich or poor, black or white, give a 20 year old guy a gun and badge and the majority will turn gangster unless there is very harsh accountability to balance the phony respect.
It is a good thing to hire defective people as cops, as is done in the United States, so people do not have illusions that cops are really better. But if you are going to put a massive number of defective douche punks into a job you should give them what they need to succeed, and that is strict accountability. It lis better for them and for society to hold cops accountable at least to the same degree as others, something which has never been tried before in the United States at least.