I'm having a bit of problem about my CPU
. I've seen people mining Cryptonight with Ryzen 5
1600 & getting about 515 H/s-520 H/s
. But I'm only getting 455 H/s on average with
1600X .
I've enabled "Lock Pages in Memory" and Hyperthredding. That gave me a boost from 396 to 455. But that ain't close to 515 even my CPU(Ryzen 5 1600X) is better than that(Ryzen 5 1600)
So, What am I missing?
That guy used --
The dev branch and all the necessary reqs (hwloc, vm_hugepages, ulimit) and {0,2,4,6,8,9,10,11} threads. But I don't know what these is. I'm mining with Nicehash. How can I enable these things. (I tried to install Hwloc but there was no setup file. And I don't know what is Ulimit)
And he also said- These should be false...
"low_power_mode" : false, "no_prefetch" : false,
Where mine is:
Starting single thread, affinity: 0.
Starting single thread, affinity: 2.
Starting single thread, affinity: 4.
Starting single thread, affinity: 6.
hwloc: memory pinned
Starting single thread, affinity: 8.
Starting single thread, affinity: 10.
hwloc: memory pinned
hwloc: memory pinned
hwloc: memory pinned
hwloc: memory pinned
Connecting to pool cryptonight.in.nicehash.com:3355 ...
hwloc: memory pinnedI don't find "low_power_mode & no_prefetch" in mine.
An important thing is I use my PC for other works too e.g Gaming But not while mining. So any settings that will affect my normal PC usage can't be applied.
So, please help me out so that, my hashrate becomes normal
.And if someone has a better settings & higher Hashrate please share.
Thank you all.