People who read this are naturally concerned about what could or might happen to them inside that office. Obviously it is an enclosed and private place, where there is a risk of being forced to transfer the coins under threat of assault or worse. Assuming you have genuine intentions, I can imagine how worried and nervous one would feel while counting the money and checking it for genuineness in the presence of several (most likely armed) strangers.
Why is a bank venue not an option? For example the coin seller's bank. It would be safer for bank staff to check the money for genuineness and deposit it directly into the account of the coin seller.
If I had the coins, I would be downright scared to be driven somewhere by a group of people (you mentioned partners so I assume a group is involved) not knowing if I would ever see my family again.
You should understand how sensitive the issue of safety is for anyone who takes on the risk. Put yourself in the trader's shoes. How would you feel, for example, being driven or taken somewhere, not knowing what might or could happen or who might be waiting at that unknown destination?
If you want to attract offers, you might need to change your trading terms indeed.
How can I force some one to transfer coins if I'm one who will sell coins?! How this make any sense? Often here people post replays about same dubiousness but don't even bother to ready my post in first place. We sell BTC so we can't force someone to transfer us BTC if he will come to buy from us???
I would gladly post here our procedure and every single detail how this will be done but I don't wanna jeopardize privacy and security of mine or my partners. I don't know where are you from but here in Eu people will gladly do cash trades without banks and eyes above them. So we don't work with banks, we like to work outside that system.
Is nothing like that, we want to trade for cash and we have our way to do it, every potential customer will receive our procedure and every single detail before he completely decide to work with us. We don't force anyone to anything, because of that we suggest that we meet in public place so customer can decide if we look like mobsters with firearms as you described or we look just like people who like to do business.
Also I can't change my offer, if I change then is not possible to function at all. This is our system and works well, it is like clock, if you remove something it will not work any more.
So we are targeting specific customers, and if you are one of them you will understand what I'm trying to tell you. As example, I got a few queries from people who instantly know what are we talking about and I hope I'll make some good trades soon and gather good future customers.
I really like to explain this in every detail but I don't wanna put my business and my partners in danger before I even start to do some trades. So I suggest to you or anyone else who think this is interesting in any profitable way to contact me, I will gladly explain everything to potential customer.