bitcoins are not mined in patterns of
nor are bitcoins mined in random length step patterns of
__/ <- how the mythical bitcoin s2f tries to display it
this is how bitcoins supply is actually mined
the weird step grading of the mythical 'bitcoin S2F' is produced by adding in a 'bitcoin price average' which then tweaks the steps..
yes adding in price info makes the steps follow a general price line and step
thus its not a predictor..
it uses the price to cause a pattern that follows the price.
it does not predict the future. it just displays the past
bitcoins mined supply is a smooth curve. not a step with random length of flat and steps
the randomness of the flat and step length of 'bitcoins s2f' is produced by using price data to case the lines to fir near the price pattern. meaning its just displaying the price resembles the averaged price..