I think they changed that actually- I think it started at 17,000 coins and then started offering more at some point.
Also, people don't make logical choices regarding these things. If they are selling cheaper then they bought, might be a good time for you to take advantage of it. Maidsafe is a pretty ambitious project that will take a long time to start showing a return and development. In the meantime people will lose faith and want to get out. Their panic is your benefit if you have the guts to take on the risk. They have a really good idea. If they can pull it off, those cheap maidsafe coins could be worth tons, and tons.
Just this of it- maidsafe linking up with onename.io will be a powerful technology!
I read about it later and found out that they were giving more coins during first week and since all coins were bought right away everybody got more coins, but it was 23000/1BTC as far as I remember. Still strange. Thanks for detailed answer though.