I would never upload my BTC-related files anywhere on the internet, especially the seed or private keys... and especially on cloud servers. Although you encrypt them, you never know how your password can become accessed. I think burying it outside your home would be many times safer than that.
I don't think a cop would stop you for finding some characters/words on a paper. However, we have examples like Australia (I might have mentioned the wrong country here) which could require you to give your passwords to them, and that may also include your private keys/seed. Now I'm not sure if this has ever happened to a cryptocurrency holder, but I wouldn't risk it. Anyways, offine storage is the best so I have never (and never will) agreed to the "cloud" and "blockchain storage" part of your second solution.
EDIT: My only fear about paper wallets is the fact that they are not waterproof, fireproof, shockproof etc. For this we have people writing their keys or seeds on metal which protects them from almost anything. The best solution to protect your BTC is the one that's the farthest from anyone else but you.
But, assuming that the password is long and random enough, i would not be that worried about crackers.
After all , many investigative journalists , hackers, free-speech supporters, intelligence agents use TOR or PGP to communicate, so their lives (not just money) rely on encryption.
And their messages are not likely to be deciphered even though they can be logged all the time.
AFAIK it never happened that a PGP message or SSL session got cracked.
No matter how long and random my password is, I wouldn't make it vulnerable by uploading it anywhere. It might be just me though - if you had a file containing your private key (or wallet.dat) encrypted with a very long and random password and containing $100k on it, would you have the courage to upload it anywhere?