this would require a script with the following logic:
pseudocode: (rpc functions existent)
dyn array accounts[] = listaccounts(); //all accounts
array keys[accounts.length()]; //array for the private keys
dyn array addresses[]; //array for the addresses
//this for-loop just puts every private-key from a public-key which has at least one transaction
//into an array (key[]). this array will be later used to import the keys into the new wallet.
if( listtransactions(accounts[i]) != empty){
fstream f;
f.write(file, keys); //now save the private keys on a file
//this for loop will be used on the
dyn array keys[];, keys[]); //open the saved keys and put them into this
importprivkey(keys[i]); //import every single key to the new wallet.dat
inform yourself about json-rpc and its methods and usage on the
different languages. i recommend the usage of an python or php
file as it s probably the fastest way. java is also simple via http reqs.
hope it s clear now.
P.S. if you wan to manually do this procedure manually
you can list all accounts and check them all manually.
afterwards just export those keys with associated tx.