Can anyone confirm that this can be a motherboard issue? If yes, I will just buy a decent board.
The first board was an Intel with the H67 chipset, the second (bad) one is and Asus board based on the AMD A55 chipset.
Does anyone know if I will be OK if I buy a new Intel board based on the B75 chipset?
Yes, I did try the above settings and you are correct, I can get the hashrate up to 580 with a lot of tweaking.
But knowing this same card will do 630 on another motherboard, I'm not satisfied with 580, especially since I want to add a second card and get my money's worth of hashing power.
I don't mind spending days on tweaking but can anyone explain me why different motherboards behave so differently?
When I understand why things happen, it's much easier to solve the problem.
Any insight would be much appreciated.