A different group gets together. They are a group of crooks, who are out there to steal from small groups of preppers. They don't need a government, either. The have a strong leader who is smart.
After being robbed several times by the crooks, some of the tribes of preppers decide to get together to form a government to protect themselves from the crook group. They form a bigger group, and elect leaders to teach them how to fight. They beat the crooks, and suddenly there is no more crook group.
The prepper government should really disband, and some of them do leave, but many of them like the success they have with their new government. So, they keep the government.
Meanwhile, a couple of the crooks who weren't eliminated, decide to be smart. They join the prepper group, maybe with their families even. Their purpose is to shrewdly get into the prepper government, where they can systematically rob the preppers through taxation. After a time of being good community people, they succeed worming their way into the prepper government.
The point is, we don't really need a government. Governments turn into crooks. What we need is wide-spread communication through our whole group (city). And we all need to be involved in checking out everything that seems dangerous or evil or crooked. Nobody is ever to be delegated any authority or power except in certain big projects, with methods set in place to firmly dissolve the project after a certain time.
This is what the United States set out to do originally, sort of. Jefferson said that we should have a revolution every 20 years or so. Every individual is his own ruler and king and government leader... except in the case of the family where there is a second in command (usually a wife), and subjects to be ruled (children).
We are all to be kings, ruling our own land as though it were our own country.