Introducing:Jackpot Roulette - Roulette with a progressive jackpot.
Jackpot Dice - Clone Dice mark 2, better payouts and optional losing bet notification.
Slot Machines - Updated with more jackpot options and new games.
Calculated Current House Edge for jackpot games:Do you ever do the mental maths to work out the games current payout / edge by factoring in the available jackpot ?
Satoshi Roulette has taken it the next step and we now advertise the current edge for all jackpot games.
Be sure to watch out for games with a negative edge !!!
Back end updates:Stronger, Better, Faster
game info - curious about the game mappings and payouts ?, now you can easily review any game with this new tool.
For example, here is the mapping of the bet scissors in the game "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" lookup - Want to know the result of an old bet ?, simply look it up here: information is available to lookup after a db refresh, the database is refreshed every hour.
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edit: linking to the main announcement thread in the gambling subforum: