If you guys think 'even just copying the PK string from the Internet' is not safe, all the PC/Mobile S/Ws are not safe.
Yes it's not safe at all, copying any sensitive data including PK is not recommended when the internet is active.
And this App doesn't create PKs, just work based on the value given from the user or QRcode scan.
There you have it, pasting PK to other sites (including the web you mentioned) is also not recommended except for wallet service sites where PK is generated. Maybe you already understand what the "Clipboard Hijacking" is.
Even though it's simple codes, why would you reveal all your codes if you want to make profits even just from an Ad?
A valid ad won't ask customers for any sensitive data.
B.t.w, From WebService site you can get all encryption/decryption source code from JS script there. Anyone can see that from web browser.
Not sure, can you name one of the sites? can i also see it. If there are, then they dont last long because it destroys the "privacy" of customers.
So, Let alone GooglePlay and AppStore, what will be the organization that you think will do some verification for this kind of S/Ws?
I don't know, but I'm not sure if big companies like Google and Apple would do would do something so insignificant. Not that I trust 100% in them.
Don't you trust Crypto Exchanges and their Cold Storages also?
The Exchange doesn't provide PK to customers, so I think this is a bit off topic.