i don't know, i also confused about this. Murat campaign manager has closed the thread indicating fraud, while Juwadu campaign manager is still running.
Murat locked thread because he understands that this project is a scam, and this should be the job of a manager. Everybody can make a small mistake. Finding out a project is hard work and it is not clear whether that project will be scammed or not. The second bounty that he is running may not matter whether it is a scam project or not. Community members should ask the manager to consider closing the bounty. Because if this bounty is scammed then no one from manager to bounty hunter will get anything.
the fact is that two bounty programs ran in parallel, Murat close his thread two weeks later. So, after two weeks he recognises them as a scam.
personally, I don't think the project
Yield 360 itself has any potential, I haven't even gone into a deeper analysis there are any hints of fraud here, but it would be well for Murat to state the facts as to why he closed the bounty and where he recognized the scam.
It would be fair to all his bounty hunters and also any other potential investors, to save their time and money.