I used to have these in my bookmarks, paid out quite a lot, it was always a bust website, for sure the got hit by bots on a few occasions.
But now the websites are operating , message at both urls is
Forbidden: a malicious file has been detected. Detected as: Botnet.h.FaucetBox-1
I wonder how they did in getting any returns on them, or did they lose profits, ended up in the red.
i used to have my faucet up and running everyday. but i am afraid, my hosting company decided to cut off all the websites using faucet box scripts for security reasons. i have no idea. i will be taking a break from this for a while. when i come back, i will have a website like bitcoinaliens running. i have to go and learn more coding and algorithms to beat these ignorant and greedy robot users. i mean come on, i am trying to help, stop taking advantage and let other people enjoy free bitcoins too.