I think it's fair to defend ourselves on here.
1. First of all, a ponzi scheme is something that takes money from someone and pays others with no product or service. Mintbuilder offers a affiliate opportunity and offers products such as gold and silver bullion for sale. So it's not a ponzi. You certainly can earn up to 12K per week if you put in the effort.
Can you provide evidence that your business has ownership the gold or silver bullion? Or is it just words?
Can you provide legitimate business licenses?
Can you avail legit Documents to prove purity of the precious metals in your procession?(I am certain these are supposed to be available to the public to prove legitimacy of your business)
You are certainly taking money from "investors"... there is no denying that.
2. The Nyancash website has links to free cryptocurrency faucets, coinbase earn, shakepay, and sites like Swagbucks and more to come. These are not scams, they are opportunities, and they DON'T COST ANYONE 1 CENT.
Those links are just a cover up of the real issue here. You do notice I didn't focus on them. They are actually just refferal links from you. I wonder how a person/business promising people $12,000 ends up looking for peanuts from referral links
Please note, this project has token several twists and turns. We are just getting started. Would like to note this is called "scam accusations". You can accuse people of anything. I will let the blockchain speak for us once rewards start being paid out. Keep on hating, we are not going anywhere.
In this forum, any form of MLM, HYIPs, affiliate program with unrealistic returns and ponzi scheme is classified as scam as they always eventually die out enriching the starters of the schemes and leading to lose of funds by those who join later.