It is crazy to see how these posts about being scammed get traction so fast. I would hate to be an ICO that has to try and deflect the FUD that comes out. It can literally crush an ICO. Oyster Pearl is in the middle of this scenario right now. They are really trying to refute the people that are accusing them and it sounds like the information might be false or misrepresented. I guess it's like choosing an ICO to invest in. You have to try and divide truth from rumors.
Off course most of the ICO's are make over of the older ones and thus they provide falsified information just to show how they are being honest with the investors.
I mean its just that ICO have to be chosen very carefully these days and if we have to be sure about them then just keep any eye on the plagiarism and you can minimize the risk of getting troubled!
Oyster Pearl or something else, the rule is same, keep your eyes open and walk.