a [otc]
alexfrost [otc]
amanda_ [otc]
amazingplace [otc]
amazingspace_ [otc]
birdcat [otc]
birdcat [otc]
bitbit [otc]
bottles [otc]
brandonA [otc]
brandonAa [otc]
chris__ [otc]
freebird [otc]
goldenteacher [otc]
goldenteacher_ [otc]
guest__ [otc]
Guest37423 [otc]
heroo12345 [otc]
jamestobbano [otc]
maddmaxx [otc]
madmaxx [otc]
mtbtc [otc]
MTGO [otc]
rupert420 [otc]
script_ [otc]
sde [otc]
seals [otc]
Silverlight_ [otc]
I can personally say jametobbano tried to scam me. I sensed he was off right away. Always go with your gut!! It never deceives you, your subconscious mind picks up on a LOT.