
Topic: Scammer TAG request for redball (Read 562 times)

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
May 25, 2013, 08:54:22 PM
Quote from: Buffcorp on May 25, 2013, 09:53:43 PM
potential scammer in redball. If anyone is dealing with him please do not trade your coins until I have updated this message. I have sent 2k pxc to him and he was supposed to send me ltc in return. Its been about an hour and I have received no signs of any coins. After sending several messages to him he replied saying "you did not receive it?". I've asked for the transaction details showing that he sent the ltc to my wallet and he has still not replied with the details.

CONFIRMED 100% redball is a scammer!. DO NOT TRADE WITH REDBALL.

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Buffcorp on: Today at 09:31:29 PM »
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nothing: i had send it. whats the problem? you didn't recieved it?

(No subject)
« Sent to: redball on: Today at 09:46:24 PM »
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Dude, I don't know exactly why it takes so long to copy and paste the transaction details. I was very prompt in sending you the coins you were looking for and you send no proof that you sent me the coins. Go into your wallet, hit transactions. Double click the one that shows where you sent 32 LTC to my wallet and all the details are shown.

Copy and paste them as a response back to me

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Buffcorp on: Today at 09:49:15 PM »
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I have to google where i find the details

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: redball on: Today at 09:54:17 PM »
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I just sent you a message showing you how to do it

Pisoni wrote just after me in and wrote the following below:

The same has just happened to me, with 3k PXC.

DO NOT trade with redball.

thinkoutside wrote the following after my original comment claiming redball as a scammer:

Redball hit me up about the same time today. I told him I would be happy to do trades in any amount he was comfortable with or to do escrow through John (bitcointalk admin with 7200 posts) but I was not going first.

He did not replay. I can see why now. 

Got similar offers from about 4 others but once I mentioned doing small amounts or escrow I got no more replies. Post all trades in public prior to your trades and please be careful. This could have been prevented had we all seen he was hitting us all up at the same time or had everyone done escrow.

Better luck next time...

In the following thread Panth also makes note of his experience with redball stating:

I had a conversation with him just now as well. Very scammy demeanor and poor English skills.

Me: Hi redball, I have 3k PXC to sell. You can check my rep and tell me if you want to trade. thanks

Him: ok...I take the 3kPXC for 16LTC. ok...its up to you if you like to trade in one ore more batch. my PXC wallet: PfZrtg6zz2QddLkVb51EnTTcmmDknc8a7i I will send you the LTC after I received the PXC. What is your LTC wallet?

Me: Sorry, not sending first to you. I have more rep and post count at the moment. If you're willing to send first and trust that I usually reply instantaneously, give me a reply

Him: its ok...I do the trade with other peoples .)

I would give him a negative trust rating then report his ass to the scammer accusations subforum.

As you can see this user redball is scum.

Here is my transacation details sending him his payment but I never received the LTC I was supposed to receive

Status: 151 confirmations, broadcast through 28 nodes
Date: 5/25/2013 16:59
To: PfZrtg6zz2QddLkVb51EnTTcmmDknc8a7i
Debit: -2000.00 PXC
Net amount: -2000.00 PXC
Transaction ID: 87cafa95e1eb822d62e88152fd059c9acf221453286d8632edf50c220577f55f

Please do the right thing and SCAM TAG THIS asshole.

Thank you.

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