
Topic: Science Expert: The average African is a Moron (Read 539 times)

jr. member
Activity: 32
Merit: 1
IQ isn't equal to wisdom though, I've seen way too many morons among so called intellectuals. Rational mind is more prone to get cynical and malevolent, though has much better capacity for changing the world towards the good
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1174
We all know that we humans are all equal (...)

full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 104
🎄 Allah is The Best Planner 🥀
We all know that we humans are all equal there'll be no discrimination between people But the Africans don't want to admit it Africans should be considered once they discriminate against poor people in various ways discriminating against the rich-poor. Not everyone dies they're made to die.
Activity: 308
Merit: 10
Revolution of Power
You don't need to tell a story about a race. I Believe we are all equal and in a matter of time we will be as we upload all those knowledge to our brain and improve one's memory capacity and critical thinking we are equal no matter how low or high our IQ we are equal.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Morons don't want to be this way. It's that they are stuck with what's in their DNA. As KingScorpio suggested a couple posts above, the strength of Africans is physical. It's all part of the reason why blondes like them and they like blondes.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
a society needs morons, to have a good and a working economy.

even if the labour is made by machines the engineers then still end up being the morons of the money printing (crypto) banksters.

no morons = no economy = no wealth = no peace
full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 104
🎄 Allah is The Best Planner 🥀
You think African are dumb ,there may be dumb when it comes to their geography area and scientific with but as dumb as they are ,they still taped into some morons acct in then wipe money of their acct, now who is the real moron. The only major problem have is the lack of quality leadership, once they take that of the equation you will see them like a shining star.

I think that due to the shortage of leadership the influence of the local influencers is more thanks to the very fact that they will be identified as Africans They suffer more poor helpless people. they're enslaved to others due to their lack of power.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1042
Death to enemies!
I recently received this question by email:

"Dear Ladyb,
I came across some African people recently in my travel, and they seemed very dimwitted.  Are these people naturally dumber than those from other geographic locations?  I would like your amazing science answer.

Well Rose, I have researched your question, and the following is what I have found.
This chart shows us a graphical representation of indigenous people by location:

As you can see, a large part of Africa has an average IQ of 67.  Now, let's look at a table showing us the scientific terminology:

IQ Range   Classification
70-80   Borderline deficiency
50-69   Moron
20-49   Imbecile
below 20   Idiot

IQ Range   

140 and over   Genius or near genius
120-140   Very superior intelligence
110-120   Superior intelligence
90-110   Normal or average intelligence
80-90   Dullness
70-80   Borderline deficiency
Below 70   Definite feeble-mindedness

And we are able to determine that our average African is feeble-minded or a Moron.
Therefore the answer to Rose's question is yes.

Ladyb, Expert Researcher
Amazing Science Answers
Feel free to pm me with any science questions you may have.

I always knew that niggers are subhumans. German scientists and politicians proved that almost 100 years ago. But they have ecological niche and they are well adapted to live in Africa. We, white Aryans will be the ones creating technology and traveling to stars while niggers gangbang each other and eat banana.
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
without morons, police, military have no grunts, and also many jobs will have no labor force.
jr. member
Activity: 70
Merit: 5
You think African are dumb ,there may be dumb when it comes to their geography area and scientific with but as dumb as they are ,they still taped into some morons acct in then wipe money of their acct, now who is the real moron. The only major problem have is the lack of quality leadership, once they take that of the equation you will see them like a shining star.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
IQ tests aren't necessarily the best measure for intelligence but it's a common argument by racists that Africans have low IQs based on IQ data published in addition to historical measures of why civilizations in Europe and Asia thrived while Africa fell behind. Plenty of African countries have malnourishment which contributes to low IQ test results. This isn't necessarily a genetic component.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 267
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
That is a preposterous claim, maybe the reason that they have that IQ is that there is no focus for education in their continent. The number one necessity for a country to grow is to have organized system of education and I don't think there are idiot or moronic people, there are only people that didn't have the oppurtunity.
full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 104
🎄 Allah is The Best Planner 🥀
I don't see that the amount of individuals attending school in Africa is high Not most are rich in society There are many differences between the rich and therefore the poor The rich usually neglect the poor in some ways. during this case the disparity between the poor is more prevalent in Africa.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
I do not think that africams are stupid. Even if they are then we need to get to the reason why they are like that. If you go around all African countries and do some statistics of the number of people in those countries that actually go to school then you will notice that it is a very smalll number. The second statisctics you should do is find out how many of the active shools have the necessary resources to provide high quality education. They sometimes learn about things that they have never seen but you have because of where you come from. Practical lessons have been turned to theory. I hope you get this.
sr. member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 268
African maybe moron, but should we to despise them? Poor economics, conditions, low of education, lack of food,... make them cannot develop as a standard country.

You just said it is not right to despise anyone when no one can say when things will change. I think they cannot develop as good citizens because they lack adequate education Poverty and unemployment are the biggest problems.
full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 104
🎄 Allah is The Best Planner 🥀
There is nothing to form a rustic smaller you're right that they lack adequate education the typical African may be a moron because most of their people are poor they will not meet their needs properly and that they cannot educate their children thanks to lack of cash. And everywhere admission of superstition to enhance them they need to overcome the superstition and teach about real-world but progress is feasible.
jr. member
Activity: 42
Merit: 1
I think that you are the moron for believing those things. You fall iin the same level as them. Here are my thoughts about your answer. Not all Africans are that stupid but I will admit tha most of them are infact not stupid but they just lack knowledge. You have to look at the African background, they are third world countries.Education is not taken seriously by most of the people atht live in rural areas. There are many places that people cannot afford education or are just ignorant of education. They ust dont give a dman. You cannot compare the education system of USA and all the other powerful continents with Africa. Therefore my answer to you is that they are not stupid, they just lack the proper education to make them intelligent.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
African maybe moron, but should we to despise them? Poor economics, conditions, low of education, lack of food,... make them cannot develop as a standard country.

The idea isn't to despise someone who isn't up to par, so to speak. But at the same time, you have to be honest. I mean, you can't hire someone who has a hard time even counting, to the position of actuary. Black Africans, who might often be of lower IQ, have this advantage, 1 Corinthians 1:20-31:
20Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks [and Africans], Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

26Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him. 30It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

Consider that Christianity is still sweeping Africa, while at home in advanced places - like Britain and the USA - the wisdom of the world is being accepted above Christianity more and more. But it is the wisdom of the world that is causing people to be lost from salvation.

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
African maybe moron, but should we to despise them? Poor economics, conditions, low of education, lack of food,... make them cannot develop as a standard country.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Maybe you are African Black. Maybe you enjoy a form of paganism where people dance around fires, shaking rattles, and singing to the spirits of demons. Other people in your community don't like this. If you like it, move to Africa. Keep the border up so that good, clean, UK (or whatever) living doesn't reach you.


Africa is a frikking continent, it is not monolithic.

As a first cut, one should distinguish between Northern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

Ladyb almost deserves merit for the dumbest post yet, indeed stretching the limits of a brain with a internal computing capability of a 1 bit register, requiring an infinite length of time to process from a 1 to a 0.

Hey Spendy. Thank you for posting your info along with some of mine.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Maybe you are African Black. Maybe you enjoy a form of paganism where people dance around fires, shaking rattles, and singing to the spirits of demons. Other people in your community don't like this. If you like it, move to Africa. Keep the border up so that good, clean, UK (or whatever) living doesn't reach you.


Africa is a frikking continent, it is not monolithic.

As a first cut, one should distinguish between Northern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

Ladyb almost deserves merit for the dumbest post yet, indeed stretching the limits of a brain with a internal computing capability of a 1 bit register, requiring an infinite length of time to process from a 1 to a 0.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

small lingual spaces can also be considered prisons, people in large economic networks like english or chinese, identify themselves not with their langauge but with their occupation,
and thats much better, it shows a higher stage of social development,

nazism is pure trash, i had to learn that the painful way in germany

Freedom is a state of mind. If people feel free, then they are free.

Most countries impose some form of slavery. The successful countries don't let the people know that they are slaves. Rather, they make the people feel free.

Naziism isn't pure trash. Rather, it's impure trash. Why? Because it doesn't make the people feel free. The success of the USA is in the way it has made people feel free in the past... although it has gone as far as it can go hiding the slavery from the people.

As people wake up, they realize that they aren't as free as they thought. To keep them free-feeling, the government has to give them some more freedom. But how far can a government go on giving freedom and still maintaining slavery?

That's why there is fake news. The free media shows the slavery, and helps people to wake up. Fake news from government controlled media tries to keep the fact that the people are slaves, hidden. In other words, in an almost free country, the war is in the media, not in the guns and armament and fighting.

If you want to be free from people coming into your house, taking your property, and introducing all kinds of traditions and religions into your family that you don't want, keep your borders/doors locked. Same with nations.

Maybe you are African Black. Maybe you enjoy a form of paganism where people dance around fires, shaking rattles, and singing to the spirits of demons. Other people in your community don't like this. If you like it, move to Africa. Keep the border up so that good, clean, UK (or whatever) living doesn't reach you.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.


the border to one's property is usually his locked door,
i mean barriers, look at europe we speak over 55 langauges,

look at north and south america that have been colonised by europe,
most people there speak only 3 and those are interconnected through huge economic network, especially the usa.

less borders = less communication barriers, better access to the big common market.

nations are for racists, and haters, or capitalists that want isolated stupid idiots following them.

Now you are simply talking nonsense. Anybody can learn a language or two. Why don't they? Because they don't want to. They want their national borders. So, you are among the one-worlders who want the world to be one without the borders that the people want. You would like to make them slaves, right?

You still haven't told us where you live without your border/locked-door.


Wow! Finally down to posting empty posts!     Cool

small lingual spaces can also be considered prisons, people in large economic networks like english or chinese, identify themselves not with their langauge but with their occupation,
and thats much better, it shows a higher stage of social development,

nazism is pure trash, i had to learn that the painful way in germany
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.


the border to one's property is usually his locked door,
i mean barriers, look at europe we speak over 55 langauges,

look at north and south america that have been colonised by europe,
most people there speak only 3 and those are interconnected through huge economic network, especially the usa.

less borders = less communication barriers, better access to the big common market.

nations are for racists, and haters, or capitalists that want isolated stupid idiots following them.

Now you are simply talking nonsense. Anybody can learn a language or two. Why don't they? Because they don't want to. They want their national borders. So, you are among the one-worlders who want the world to be one without the borders that the people want. You would like to make them slaves, right?

You still haven't told us where you live without your border/locked-door.


Wow! Finally down to posting empty posts!     Cool
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.


the border to one's property is usually his locked door,
i mean barriers, look at europe we speak over 55 langauges,

look at north and south america that have been colonised by europe,
most people there speak only 3 and those are interconnected through huge economic network, especially the usa.

less borders = less communication barriers, better access to the big common market.

nations are for racists, and haters, or capitalists that want isolated stupid idiots following them.

Now you are simply talking nonsense. Anybody can learn a language or two. Why don't they? Because they don't want to. They want their national borders. So, you are among the one-worlders who want the world to be one without the borders that the people want. You would like to make them slaves, right?

You still haven't told us where you live without your border/locked-door.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.


the border to one's property is usually his locked door,
i mean barriers, look at europe we speak over 55 langauges,

look at north and south america that have been colonised by europe,
most people there speak only 3 and those are interconnected through huge economic network, especially the usa.

Now you are simply talking nonsense. Anybody can learn a language or two. Why don't they? Because they don't want to. They want their national borders. So, you are among the one-worlders who want the world to be one without the borders that the people want. You would like to make them slaves, right?

You still haven't told us where you live without your border/locked-door.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

and why is communism growing in europe and america and in asia then?

It isn't. Communistic leaders simply harnessed the media as a last-ditch way to try to make Communism happen by making things look like it is growing.


pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.


the border to one's property is usually his locked door,
i mean barriers, look at europe we speak over 55 langauges,

look at north and south america that have been colonised by europe,
most people there speak only 3 and those are interconnected through huge economic network, especially the usa.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
See your problem is your failure to look at the issue objectively.

A rational and objective scale would look something more like this.

IQ 50-100 = Moronic Human who knows he is no genius
IQ 101-250 = Moronic Human with delusions of genius

What is more dangerous the moron who knows his limitations or the dilusional moron who thinks he is a genius?

Oh, you were so close, lol.

IQ 50-100 = smart ape who knows he/she is not a genius
IQ 101-129 = smart ape with delusions of being a genius
IQ 130-250 = smart ape that knows his/her limitations/strengths, he/she also knows that 95% of other HS apes are morons

Apes with 130+ IQ can create new knowledge.

Africans have education and poverty issues that translate to a lack of general knowledge.

IQ distribution among African apes is probably the same as that of European or Asian apes.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

and why is communism growing in europe and america and in asia then?

It isn't. Communistic leaders simply harnessed the media as a last-ditch way to try to make Communism happen by making things look like it is growing.


pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.

Thanks for sayin’. No borders, huh? Where do you live? No border to your property. I’ll be right over to grab whatever I want.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

and why is communism growing in europe and america and in asia then?

It isn't. Communistic leaders simply harnessed the media as a last-ditch way to try to make Communism happen by making things look like it is growing.


pah nonsense nationalism doesnt work it creates borders between people which are completely useless, there is no point having a lot of different and useless languages, better fewer langauges but good ones.

nationalism is a backstep it is only rising in europe because the people can't free themselves in a different way from spineless politicians and their open border policies.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

and why is communism growing in europe and america and in asia then?

It isn't. Communistic leaders simply harnessed the media as a last-ditch way to try to make Communism happen by making things look like it is growing.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

and why is communism growing in europe and america and in asia then?

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were. ...
what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)

The main difference is what doctrine they espouse and follow (and often actually believe in) on an individual level.

Most Communists (and many others besides) see an evolution of governance where nations pass through Capitalism as a necessary step to a final Communist form.  Mostly it is because Capitalism is necessary to build and develop I suppose.  I would not exactly dis-agree, but I would point out that Communism is not the final form either, and in fact there never is an end-point since everything is cyclic.  Communism is 'supposed to' end basically just like it did with the Soviet Union with a collapse and consolidation of wealth into the hands of the Oligarchical class.

This explains why some of the most famous 'Capitalists' spend a good deal of their capital fostering Communism.  That system is just a more practical way to obtain title to land and resources (including humans) by way of 'collectivization.'  These Captialists are just looking beyond the Communist phase when they get what they always wanted (e.g., 'it all') since it almost falls into their laps.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
Blacks in America have changed. They don't want to go back to Africa. Why is this?

Look at Obama, for example. He doesn't want to go back to Kenya, his father land, except for a visit, maybe.

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were.

Obama borrowed 'his' kids as props from a family friend.

Actually, I don't have the 95% confidence in these conspiracy theories that I would need to make the assertions, but I'd put the odds over 50% just because everything about American politics is so staged and fraudulant.  I would by no means rule out these things and ones which are even more crazy.  e.g., that Barbara Bush was the child of Alister Crowley

what is the difference between communist and capitalist? (i mean communism also had a banking cartel)
sr. member
Activity: 479
Merit: 253
If ever a Major food shortage and power outage crisis ever occurred in the West and we suddenly found ourselves desperately having to survive off the land, i wonder who the Morons would be then?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Blacks in America have changed. They don't want to go back to Africa. Why is this?

Look at Obama, for example. He doesn't want to go back to Kenya, his father land, except for a visit, maybe.

Obama's daddy was a sexual degenerate and Communist African American living in Hawaii.  Don't remember his name off the top of my head.  Mom was probably CIA and her parents almost certainly were.

Obama borrowed 'his' kids as props from a family friend.

Actually, I don't have the 95% confidence in these conspiracy theories that I would need to make the assertions, but I'd put the odds over 50% just because everything about American politics is so staged and fraudulant.  I would by no means rule out these things and ones which are even more crazy.  e.g., that Barbara Bush was the child of Alister Crowley

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Blacks in America have changed. They don't want to go back to Africa. Why is this?

Look at Obama, for example. He doesn't want to go back to Kenya, his father land, except for a visit, maybe.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
See your problem is your failure to look at the issue objectively.

A rational and objective scale would look something more like this.

IQ 50-100 = Moronic Human who knows he is no genius
IQ 101-250 = Moronic Human with delusions of genius

What is more dangerous the moron who knows his limitations or the dilusional moron who thinks he is a genius?

many morons can be dangerous, they don't have to think usually someone else spreads some nonsense claim in order to make them hateful destructive zombies

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
I recently received this question by email:

"Dear Ladyb,
I came across some African people recently in my travel, and they seemed very dimwitted.  Are these people naturally dumber than those from other geographic locations?  I would like your amazing science answer.

Well Rose, I have researched your question, and the following is what I have found.
This chart shows us a graphical representation of indigenous people by location:

As you can see, a large part of Africa has an average IQ of 67.  Now, let's look at a table showing us the scientific terminology:

IQ Range   Classification
70-80   Borderline deficiency
50-69   Moron
20-49   Imbecile
below 20   Idiot

IQ Range   

140 and over   Genius or near genius
120-140   Very superior intelligence
110-120   Superior intelligence
90-110   Normal or average intelligence
80-90   Dullness
70-80   Borderline deficiency
Below 70   Definite feeble-mindedness

And we are able to determine that our average African is feeble-minded or a Moron.
Therefore the answer to Rose's question is yes.

Ladyb, Expert Researcher
Amazing Science Answers
Feel free to pm me with any science questions you may have.

many african couintries are continously in a civil war, there is nothing they can do, to make the people live there long enough to think about a lot, they are all busy to find food, just like it was in the middle east till recently,

these third world people are poor for basic reasons, when someone tried to uplift them they simply blamed the colonialists, who tried to help them develop their land.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
See your problem is your failure to look at the issue objectively.

A rational and objective scale would look something more like this.

IQ 50-100 = Moronic Human who knows he is no genius
IQ 101-250 = Moronic Human with delusions of genius

What is more dangerous the moron who knows his limitations or the dilusional moron who thinks he is a genius?
Activity: 4
Merit: 10
I recently received this question by email:

"Dear Ladyb,
I came across some African people recently in my travel, and they seemed very dimwitted.  Are these people naturally dumber than those from other geographic locations?  I would like your amazing science answer.

Well Rose, I have researched your question, and the following is what I have found.
This chart shows us a graphical representation of indigenous people by location:

As you can see, a large part of Africa has an average IQ of 67.  Now, let's look at a table showing us the scientific terminology:

IQ Range   Classification
70-80   Borderline deficiency
50-69   Moron
20-49   Imbecile
below 20   Idiot

IQ Range   

140 and over   Genius or near genius
120-140   Very superior intelligence
110-120   Superior intelligence
90-110   Normal or average intelligence
80-90   Dullness
70-80   Borderline deficiency
Below 70   Definite feeble-mindedness

And we are able to determine that our average African is feeble-minded or a Moron.
Therefore the answer to Rose's question is yes.

Ladyb, Expert Researcher
Amazing Science Answers
Feel free to pm me with any science questions you may have.
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