Of course, you are speaking facetiously. Yet, when you consider how a layman might understand parallel universes, along with the phase vibrations of these universes that separate them from each other while occupying the same "space" as all their fellow parallel universes, phase vibrations which are controlled by the dimensions and interaction of the dimensions, you just might conclude that there isn't any space... certainly not the emptiness of space that we are accustomed to.
Tell me more about these phase vibrations.
There isn't a lot to tell, because they involve higher math for determining them.
What they basically are, is, frequencies of vibration that include a whole universe. You know how certain radio frequencies can co-inside, even though one of them is higher than the other, because they share a "peak" or "valley" now and again, on a regular basis. Well, it's similar with a whole lot of complex dimensional frequencies. The frequencies of the dimensions maintain a separation of the parallel universes, while allowing everything inside a particular universe to share certain peaks and valleys, keeping those things inside the particular universe, while keeping everything else out. (I'm speaking extremely simplistically.)
The possibility exists that, at the core of everything, is only vibration, acting on and reacting with other vibration. The rather exciting thing about this is, we now have an understanding of how God (whatever He is) "spoke" the universe into existence. Speaking is vibration, and what better way to speak than to do it in vibrations that cross other vibrations, and where vibration of vibration is the only real thing that exists?
A second exciting thing is that, people can literally talk to God through the simple vibrations that they create when they pray out loud, or when they praise God. Why? Because the sound vibrations go a lot further than anyone can guess. They literally create "inter-spacial" vibrations that can be felt (heard) throughout the whole universe by God.
All those "harmonics" nut-cases are way ahead of science in some ways. The thing they lack is clarity of expression.
I don't know if the math involved would be too great for our computers to handle. But if it ISN'T, there may be some rather obscure math geniuses who have done a lot of the dimensional math already. Can you see the possibilities that this info has?
Watch the trolls downplay this post on behalf of their political masters who want to keep us enslaved, when harmonics is the thing that can free us.