While I too agree that freedom of speech is more accurately "freedom of opinion and expression" I wouldn't want to forcibly spread my opinion to another country who has the lawful right to decide for themselves what type of government they wish to live under. If enough citizens of said country were willing to request military assistance in order to exercise these rights, I would think it reasonable to offer military assistance to achieve these ends. It's estimated that only 3% of the colonists fought in the Revolutionary war, 3% seems a fair number of a population willing to take the risk of life for liberty to justify actions.
Forcibly asserting our opinion on a population that has no desire or lacks the responsibility to maintain liberty is a waste of life, a waste of time, and a waste of resources.
3% doesn't refer to the percentage of the population that desires liberty, it refers to the percentage of the country willing to die for it...
Hello pungopete468,
What I don't understand in your post is what I underlined, what's the differences between country, themselves, government and citizen.
For example we can say that the woman in question is a
citizen subject of the Uk, however we can't say that her government represent her (a part if she wants to be self-jailed) as such is she really part of the country?
And there need absolutely 0 legal basis for Freedom of Speech, why because it's a God Given Tool to his Children, use it or don't be. It's not about spreading your opinions, it's like in the case of medicinal drug, be able to visit who ever you want outside of the border of the Empire, without having the risks of being arrested for what ever, who ever wrote on a account pretended to be yours... to high risk to be assumed, I prefer annihilation (and contrary to your opinions it could be a net positive for the USMIIC).
Next step is censoring anyone that would say something bad about the finance (or what ever) of a country? lol... Monster Joke will be called...
What people don't understand about my very aggressive vision of the enemy of America, is that if or when a big incident strike the US mainland, will the enemy show mercy? I don't bet. and I am not alone...p.s. it must be a life extinction event otherwise...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases no bet (or no base left uncovered).
To clarify, let me break it down into a few separate points, I'll attempt to illustrate my opinion in a comprehensible manner.
Liberty is based on "rights" and "wrongs." To forcibly impose liberation on another person who has actively chosen to live as a slave is a violation of that persons naturally existing rights, until such time as they no longer wish to be enslaved and express their desire for liberty. Liberty exists as an intangible thought and does not require an acknowledgement to exist, if a person makes a poor choice and denies themselves of liberty, it's wrong to act in a manner which infringes on that persons right to choose however they want for themselves. It's not your right or any others' to force them to change, but it's their right to change themselves or seek for a change if they so desire.
When I referred to
another country, I meant any other area outside of the borders of the United States and her territories. The US has no business interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations. Answering a call for help from an oppressed society isn't the same as inserting ourselves for a disagreement of their laws or ways.
lawful right, I'm referring to those natural human rights which were referenced in the US Constitution under the Bill of Rights. The US Constitution acknowledged them as the
Laws of God and declared itself "a nation under God." This statement ceded the power of any law which conflicts with those natural rights inherent to all human beings. "Human nature" exists, and these laws are a culmination of universal truths based on human nature. Therefore, regardless of where human nature exists, these truths will be evident. For instance, no rational person with the ability and opportunity to enact a positive outcome would spare a violent murderer at the cost of losing a loved one, especially to a violent or horrible death. No rational person would choose by in-action that their child, mother, themselves, or other loved one should unjustly suffer. A rational person would weigh the value of life heavily in favor over the risk that they may be imprisoned for acting within that natural right to protect life by force. There are many other natural rights including the right of freedom of thought, will, and expression. Since any rational human being has it in their nature to think, decide, and express themselves, it is a natural right to do so freely so long as exercising this right doesn't unduly restrict the rights of others; but I won't go into more detail on that now. Basically, natural rights are supported by evidence that human nature shares certain fundamental bonds in the ways of which rational people act and the choices that they make when confronted with the same problems.
Government is the next level of authority over that of the individual, governments can only exercise powers ceded by the people who are being governed. Governments built upon liberty will actually define powers in their Constitutions that
cannot be ceded by the people. Enumerating these powers creates a clear and unbreachable boundary. A government cannot by definition act unlawfully, and in the presence of liberty, cannot enforce laws above or over the "Law of God" also known as "natural human rights." If the government breaches this trust of the people, it's no longer considered legitimate, and people are collectively and individually responsible for reforming or abolishing it. If the people allow for themselves a tyrannical government, then they will live in tyranny. If a farmer is lazy and chooses not to plant food for his family, but rather enjoys lazy complacency; he and his family will starve to death when the crops he never planted provide no food. If the people of society choose not to hold accountable the actions of government, either by complacency, or fear; they will not enjoy the benefits of liberty, nor do they deserve it. The people of a society choose for themselves the outcome by their decision to act, or not to act; it's wrong to place undue burden on your neighbors by choosing in-action. Shifting the risks of maintaining liberty onto the shoulders of others while you're still able to act responsibly will always lead to an eventual loss of liberty.
It's for this reason listed above that I would disagree with any military intervention until such a time as enough people are willing to work towards liberty for themselves. If even a small portion of society is unwilling to take on the burden of action, how can they be expected to adequately maintain it? Only when people are willing to die for liberty are they capable of attaining it. Liberty is a restriction of government powers, and restricting the powers of government is like restricting the freedom of a powerful beast, the governed must be willing to oppose the subversion of liberty with great force if necessary, even at great cost...
This is a general message addressed to all:
If you enjoy liberty, please understand that the liberty you enjoy was paid for in advance with the lives of countless fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, and friends. Every single one of them were genuinely good and virtuous people who had valuable lives filled with the same feelings and emotions that we do today. They left behind families, and loved ones that they wished to return safely home to, but instead gave their lives to provide you with the choices you have today. Anyone who would take it upon themselves and choose to stand in the face of death so that their children, and their unborn grandchildren might get to live a joyful life is remarkable. Years of complacency has allowed society to reach the precipice of the following question, "Am I to sacrifice my life for the mere
chance that my children and grandchildren might afford to enjoy a life of liberty, or am I to suffer until death at the understanding that my children and grandchildren will likely know suffering and oppression in their lives because I chose not to act?"
Please use what remaining power you have left to act while you still can; write your congressman even when you don't think it matters, protest the laws you disagree with, vote Libertarian even if you don't think they can win the election, and hope that the government doesn't fail the test of legitimacy... It's perhaps too late to prevent tragic events in the future, but to stop trying only
guarantees them.