Maybe we should convince Greece to become a Bitcoin economy.
Greece can't even convince itself to be a functioning fiat economy...
it's impossible to have a functioning fiat economy. eco 101 it's by design.
Notwithstanding the hundreds of functioning fiat economies on the planet, of course.
look at the history of fiat miscreant (how many ccy have fallen to 0), a tool to enslave the faithful and believers, those that will put Love over anything. Good, life is short. I apologize with all my Heart to you flsf. Sincerely.
edit; why are you on bitcointalk? to promote fiat? You don't have even a position in it... I mean how many B do you move hourly? you don't understand what I wrote, I know... learn humility first, then you can be aggressive as hell, but only if it's hell. And it is.
And one of the biggest cause are those mothers and fathers spreading children like cakes for their future income... it ain't possible in a round planet. MARK THOSE WORDS. (and I am not a fiat fan
You're making the mistake of me taking issue with your poor logic skills and worthless conclusions to be a defense of fiat. I'm merely pointing out the obviously false conclusions you're peddling as meritless. For example, you said "it's impossible to have a functioning fiat economy." I pointed out there are hundreds of functioning fiat economies. You responded with that in the history of the world, some have failed, as if that proved your point. It doesn't. In order to prove your point, there would literally have to be
zero functioning fiat economies. The fact that there are hundreds proves you wrong. If you can't understand the difference between having a bad point, that's on you mate. I'm sorry for you.
As for being a defender of fiat, the thing I find most amusing is the most rabid btc supporters think that if fiat fails, btc won't. But btc only has value because it's convertible into fiat. I love btc just fine, but it has no value without fiat because it's use is extremely limited in the real world. All the major merchants who accept btc convert it to fiat immediately because they have no interest in holding btc because it has no value for them, they only offer it as an avenue to bring in the fringe customer who might want to pay with it. Maybe in the future that will change. But the people who were buying btc in 2013 that sent it over $1200 weren't buying because they were believers in btc, they were chasing the bubble because they thought it would make them fiat rich. Now that the bubble has popped, you're left with people like you and me. One of us believes btc will be the secret to surviving the next financial crisis. One of us is just interested in the technology and doesn't assign fantasy superpowers to something that isn't a reliable currency. If you think hard enough, you might be able to figure out which is which.