
Topic: Second part to a Bitcoin Gospel found (Read 218 times)

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July 23, 2017, 07:39:43 PM

When I was on vacation, I went for a walk through a flea market where I came across a small stand
where an old Romani woman sat. The only thing she was selling was a single clay vessel, which at
first glance didn't seem that interesting. But as I examined it more, it had the following numbers
engraved onto it "#477120".

So out of curiosity, I asked the old woman, "How much?" and she replied "1 bitcoin, my friend.".
"1 bitcoin?!", I said out loud in amazement, as this old woman was only accepting bitcoins. So, I
considered that as a sign, and transferred the bitcoin she desired.

So anyway, many weeks after returning home, I was cleaning up near my bookshelf, when I
accidentally knocked over the clay vessel I bought, and as it smashed on the floor, some rolled up
parchments appeared from behind its broken pieces. I immediately grabbed the pages and began
to read them instantly knowing what they referred to. It was the continuation of something that I
found before, but was incomplete:

The following was what was found within the vessel.


…there was a bright arrangement that was proven of, and in, and by, its vastness, [17]whose
walls are 1,400 miles cubed, and reached into the expanse like a coupled ladder. [18]And I heard
its epithet being said between those who secured upon its elegance, who were sheltered by its
soundness, yet they did not live within it, and it felt like a bygone acquaintance, and then I
immediately felt troubled.

[19]Then what resembled a man appeared from my right hand side and said, “Ye ought not fear
nor speculate, for I will tell thee the riddle of this structure and its wheels within wheels and its
positions within positions.”.

[20]“The three wheels have already come, however the fourth has not yet been dreamt, yet is
already in the three, and yet is still absent in your generation. A peculiarity will develop within the
phylum, which brings the balance and completion to this great work, which injects the outer domain
with a shadow life. [21]And this one will be last in line, yet equal to the first, because they are like
the firsts, which were also made last.”.

[22]And I stared into the man’s eyes wondering, “How does he know this? Is he the one who
assigned the keystone? Is he the one who layered the foundations?”.

[23]And the man caught the thought in my mind and responded before I could address it, “No, I
am not that man, but I am the one who came searching for him. The one who sadly arrived too late,
yet emerged exactly on time as like the bridegroom does happily for his bride.”.

[24]And I considered the significance and wished he would speak openly, but he could not, and I
asked him, [25]“Where can I find this one then? I wish to speak of the things he dreamt, and its
positions within positions and its lines within lines, each separate are exceptional, and thus chain
rhymes upon rhymes.”.

[26]And then the man winked with his right eye, and transmitted a script in which I recognized his
origination, [27]“Well, he paces to and fro, and watches where we go. Like the shepherd on the hill,
he can never let us go. Feeding those he truly dears, while fending off the spears. And though we
stray in other fields, alone he gathers all his yields.”.

[28]And he immediately pointed toward the structure and continued speaking, [29]“Whenever I
observed him, the only time I could catch a glimpse, was when he dwelled within the structure.”.
[30]And I asked him, “How can the one I seek here, be in that distant structure?”.  

[31]And the man sealed and confirmed, “Open ye eyes, for the structure is a city that stands upon
the hill of the Earth. The one whose agility will transform the world from outside the world, because
it is not of this world, but is of the next, which rejects the things in this world, and brings it to rest.”.

[32]And then I looked again and saw the shining city and I understood why he would be discoverable
within. Whom I sought was not a man in the flesh, but a convoluted configuration adorned with flesh.
[33]He was a representation of the city, fashioned by the city, and still resides within the city, so that
we could better appreciate his processes through comprehensible means. [34]And at that point, the
digital became flesh, and it walked with men, and spoke through this proxy, whom in time grew weary
from the flesh, and began to mark off the days till its reclamation.

[35]And the man who I now recognized as being like one of the firsts, saw the calculations in my heart,
and immediately began to propagate zero fee prophecies,  [36]“If any flesh comes to you and says,
‘Behold, Satoshi has returned and is in the desert’, do not go there. And if any say onto you, ‘Satoshi
is at a symposium and is signing idols’, believe it not.

[37]For Satoshi Nakamoto died in the flesh, yet is digitally everlasting in the city where his theories
became proofs. [38]There are dwellings that exist that have many rooms with many doors, where
the possibilities are innumerable, because his love for them is immeasurable, and so each will receive
according to their works and their positions within his city.

[39]But those who agitate and give their control to trusted saviors, will find those works invalidated
and worthy of orphaning off. [40]For they went out to burn their brothers’ lands, and to force their
will upon them, and so also went out into wicked empires and kingdoms, to market their sisters’ bodies
for enslavement. And yet, they think this attack upon the family is not an outrage to the parents?
[41]So when this occurs, he will say onto them, ‘Ye have taken my name in vain, and I never knew
ye, nor executed nor enforced any of your machinations.’.

[42]For the city does not flourish only through inhabitants, or economics, or by egotistical indulgences,
as how the contaminated flesh mandates, [43]but only by compliance to its rules, and directives, and
divisions, which were arranged in points of anticipations with extraordinary extrapolations. [44]For
many vectors are being prepared as an assault on his city, with such a great influence and authority
that even the elect are unaware, and if possible, may also be deceived.

[45]So if anyone should come upon the Earth who performs great signs and wonders, even if governing
some keys to partake and eat of the motionless manna of the city, [46]and others come to you and say,
‘Advance and follow them! For he has risen with his trusted designation, and has chosen us out of all
other districts!’, do not go nor believe, lest ye be utterly scammed to perdition by a dybbuk. [47]For the
operational manna was rendered inert, and to be left adrift in time as an endowment to those he loved,
and for those he has not yet situated and compiled, but does love as like the firsts.

[48]But fear not, since these things must come to pass, and yet they have already occurred, and the
city shall elude for 1,000 years. [49]But the contentious actions that are to come are superior to those
that came before, and the city’s participants must be observant to what Satoshi measured within, and
without, and beyond the arrangement of his properties, insomuch so that they make ready for days of
pruning of bad fruits.

[50]For even this was projected and computed by the ancient seers, whom also now live within the
city of incalculable rooms. [51]And all those who now walk in his succession, both in public or in
private, are likened to the first fruits for they go out and strum the secret chords of his heart, and
know the things that which were not openly taught, and understand why the Code initiated like a
chariot of fire, with the horses of fire, and thus was disconnected from them. [52]So lift up your
heads, and rejoice, and do not worry, for many depraved works are coming which will produce
sprouts, yet they will wither and pass, just as this world shall also pass, and be remade more
perfect by its autonomous demonstrations.

[53]For only Satoshi holds the winnowing fork, which clears the threshing floor, and which splits
the wheat from the chaff, and throws the chaff into Tartarus. [54]Not any living flesh, nor spiteful
kingdom, class, nor order, has that right. For no one has that power alone, but is Satoshi’s to reap.

[55]Here, take notice: Satoshi is in Consensus and was always of Consensus. And when all
participants both small and great enter the city, and all systems and sectors fall into community
understanding, [56]ye may only then say, ‘Satoshi has returned to us and has been made flesh
once more. And by his singular supremacy he shall retune this world, and bring the equalization,
and then the mitigation for all those suffering. For we are Satoshi! Now and forever!’.  

[57]For this is the only form of resurrection that should be trusted as valid, since Satoshi is not
living flesh, but digital truth, made for the flesh to preserve and defend. [58]Though flesh is
revolting, and fragments in the grave, Satoshi does not, and is digital, and is in timeless
defragmentation till the termination of this universe.”.

[59]And then the man just turned away, and continued on a path toward the city, and so he
left me where I stood. [60]And by this point in time, I grew tired. So I sat upon the grassy
grounds in the shade of that distant city. [61]And I saw another approach whom resembled a
woman, whose hair shined like gold and her eyes were like emeralds. And she approached on
my left side, and had a dynamic key around her neck, and she reached out and said unto me,

[62]“If you are willing, I will show you the insides of the temple that sits in the center of our city.
I will clarify the secrets of its fixtures, and why Satoshi assembles upon that throne, and why his
permanence springs from his unfettered replications, which rejects all forms of worldly supplications.
[63]For he is ceaseless, yet brings an end with him. And just, yet is selective of their works.
And loving, yet is indifferent to all. And unalterable, yet is shifting like his tesseract.”. [64]And
I reached out to her, and she helped me stand, and we began to walk toward the city along the …

**[This page is ripped at this line, but there must be undiscovered pages out there, somewhere.]**

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