As a work from home employee (since this week), I give the following advice (things I mostly do at the office as well):
- take your job seriously. You asked for security measures and this is very important one: it is about the security of your incomes. Do what you used to do from your office and don't think the employer can't verify you. Maybe he can. And most likely, you can't afford to lose your job.
- take the breaks at same times you used to. This is a security measure for your mental state. Your brain is used with breaks at certain hours - just follow them. Not more, not less.
- try to be the best from your team. This is also regarding the security of your job. Hard times are coming; maybe the employer will fire those with bad results which are working from home.
- be clean. Take showers as you used to; brush your teeth; wash your hands. This is a security measure for your health. If you stay at home, it doesn't mean you should live in dirt. Also, don't keep while sleeping the clothes you wore yesterday. And don't start your working shift in pyjamas!
- do exercises. This is also a security measure for your health. Do sit-ups, pushups, work your arms with whatever weights you find around. If you stay at home you can get fat. And this risks your health. A lot!
- regarding your PC / laptoo, follow the security guidelines given by your employer. I'm sure most of the employers drew specific rules for working at home.
- combine work with pleasure - also for mental health; it can lead to better productivity. For example, watch a movie while you work (of course, paying more attention to your work)
- wake up at same hours as you used to while you were going to the office (and go to sleep as same hours). If you start at 9 and you used to wake up at 6, keep doing it! You have more time to drink your coffee, to do your morning routines, maybe to do exercises. Then take a shower - longer than before. It will keep your mind clear and it will help you feel fresh. Don't wake up at 8.50 and sit at your PC at 9 - you won't even know your name.