
Topic: See bitcoin businesses via google earth (soon to be an Android App) (Read 775 times)

Activity: 106
Merit: 10
I put together a quick demo of an Android App which displays all known bitcoin bricks-and-mortar businesses. There was a good response from reddit ( see here : ) but the obvious question was "how to submit new businesses".

So I've knocked together a quick submission form here :

You can view this live on google earth by "importing" the kml file from here :

They don't automatically get published as for now I want to spam filter them and also the data for output to the app is cached to reduce the amount of db access.

Anyone know of a good resource of bitcoin accepting businesses? Even better, please submit any you know of yourself to the above link.

The Android App is not yet available, but it will basically be a map app utilizing the data entered on the above site. I intend to make the database as open and free as possible so others can use it in their web apps, mobile apps etc etc within reasonable API request limits.
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