As Phantom wallet, I never used it, appears to be BIP39 compatible, it should be no big deal to brute-force the missing word in between your known sequence of 11 words.
The last word of mnemonic recovery words according to BIP39 standard, embeds a checksum. When you say, some word in between is missing and the missing word position is unknown, there should be a rather limited amount of possible solutions.
I haven't done this for other coins than Bitcoin, but I assume it should be possible to brute-force the missing word with BTCrecover which can also handle Solana. If you know an address of your wallet, the better!
See here: may need to make yourself familiar with the tool. If you know nothing about derivation path and
HD wallets, then maybe learn about it at You can learn such wallet basics with no issue in the context of Bitcoin, even when your wallet was one with Solana.
I would also recommend to prepare a test case. Create a 12-word BIP39 recovery backup e.g. with
iancoleman script. Get an address of that wallet (iancoleman script doesn't support Solana, take some coin that BTCrecover and iancoleman support). Choose a word in between to be the missing one, but you know the solution.
Check if you can recover this word and verify it with the known solution. If you fail with this test case, you likely won't succeed with your real case.