your computer, cell phone, USB disk,...
- all can be stolen. specially small (portable) ones such as a cell phone or USB disk. a thief will most probably not know what the value of a piece of paper is but he surely knows what an iPhone is worth!
- they can be hacked, of course this can be prevented by encryption and being offline.
- and finally the issue that people usually forget: digital mediums can also be damaged. paper can degrade, so does your USB. but in case of digital storage they lose data and if that happens you won't have access to your money.
a safety deposit box is a good idea if you have a large amount of money stored in bitcoin.
but remember that storing your seed doesn't have to mean a piece of paper labeled "My Bitcoin Seed worth billions" and be in your drawer! be more creative. write it down in a book, in different pages. you may even be able to find the words in each page and circle them