These are in the order of effectiveness btw, incase someone else is struggling with the same issue of reaching customers. I personally feel very strongly about spamming any media so I try to make posts only when I have something new to show be it prices, promotions or new items.
A forum post here with my goods, pricing, delivery times, pictures and customer reviews.
Posted my goods on bitmit.
[edit] Sold items to a local webshop in bulk.
Posted new items and the occational promotion on reddit.
Donated goods to a mining pool for a promotion mining competition.
Particapated in bitcoinfriday.
Announced a btc-back deal on #bitcoin-otc in an effort to build up my rating.
--Things of which I cant be sure have been effective--
Changed my forum avatar to show images of my goods and added links to where they can be found on my signature.
---the cutoff line, things below this have thus far been ineffective--
[edit] Tried attracting an overseas re-seller.
Made a facebook page for the buisness, did not put much work in to this as I felt it was very likeley to be a waste of time.
Posted my goods on coinpost.
Copied my forum post to bitcointrading.
What I am going to do next:
On my winter vacation I'll be making an attempt at scraping together a webshop, I've done a lot of work on this allready registered a domain, made a few images to use on it, read tons about different templates.. selected the one Im going with and found a payment processor that works with it.
I have also considered, but felt not worth the effort:
Making a youtube video about the goods and promoting it trough cointube.
Paying coinvisitor or similiar a similiar site for traffic to either my forum thread or bitmit auctions.
How would you approach this? Essentially my problem seems to be getting visibility, whitout becoming a spamming moron which I most certainly do not wish to become.
ill sell you some of my signature space =)